Aug 212014

Dawn of the dumb – scientists say IQs are beginning to fall in the UK

The reason given in the article is that over the past century IQ scores climbed in western nations due to improvements in nutrition and health, but since those have basically plateaued, the effect is wearing off. I wonder how much of it is due to making a nerf society where the dumb aren’t allowed to kill themselves off before breeding. Yes, yes, IQ doesn’t seem to track well with genetics, and intelligence seems to be driven more by environment and upbringing… but let’s face it, genes or no we seem to be driving a society more in the direction of dumbth via culture.

 Posted by at 2:26 pm
Aug 212014

I have become irked at “Mockingbird.” Not because I think the story is wrong, but because I wanted to keep it short, to about 10 pages, and I’m already there and nowhere near finished. One of the roadblocks to creativity is when creativity gets bloated… the longer or more involved a project gets, the more likely it’ll get tied into knots and fail to come to pass. And this failure will make it less likely that you’ll even try to take a stab at something else.

Given my need to do things that actually pay, I haven’t a lot of time for fiction writing. Still, I wanted to see if I could actually get something reasonably short done, to convince myself that I can actually finish *something.* And one thing sprang to mind. A scene I wrote a while back that I thought was interesting but served little purpose but to needlessly bloat a longer story got chopped out and left by it’s lonesome. So I went back to it, re-read it and decided that it can form a stand-alone short story. Not much of a story, admittedly, but still, a complete yarn.

This features the same ship and crew from “Mass Disappearance” and “Launch.” No big-time adventures, just a little something that expands upon not only personalities but also technologies. The idea here occurred to me years ago when pondering a technology so common in science fiction – including my own tales. Such an interesting technology, so rarely examined.

A Matter Of Some Gravity: EPUB format

A Matter Of Some Gravity: MOBI format

A Matter Of Some Gravity: PDF format

Feel free to comment & question.

And as always, if you *like* the story, feel free to tell others. If you *really* like it, feel free to toss cold hard PayPal cash my way via the “tip jar.”

Fiction Tip Jar


 Posted by at 1:27 am
Aug 202014

In restored glorious ExtraColor.

[youtube aT1s5s2LurM]


Seeing as how I don’t speak Russian and all, much of it sorta blew past me. However, some interesting points:

At around 25 minutes, full color footage of the first spacewalk. History worth watching.

Starting around 30 minutes, the future of lunar colonization, including some unusual space suits.


At around 47:30, a mass driver in Space:1999 model form.

 Posted by at 7:10 pm
Aug 202014

An interesting looking forthcoming flick. Sort of an “I, Robot” meets “Elysium” vibe to it, but what’s neat is that the robots actually move like robots. So many robots in recent movies have been animated via mocap of human actors that it looks strange to see machines moving like machines.

[youtube zHg8lKk3vJo]

And once again, the future is portrayed as Dystopian Doomhole.

 Posted by at 7:00 pm
Aug 192014

A 1986 NASA artists impression of a hypersonic aircraft, showing heating along the leading edges. This *appears* to be a hypersonic transport (as opposed to a military or research vehicle). Likely part of the “Orient Express” concept for an HST derivative of X-30 NASP technologies.

C-1986-3888 HST


 Posted by at 9:45 pm
Aug 192014

OK, I’m a few years late on this one, but here is a British 5 kilowatt laser used for cutting metal… in hand-held form. And it really, really does look like some craptacular ray gun from Moonraker or one of those Gerry Anderson shows:

[youtube E3YCACZQ72Q]

Note that the laser has both power and compressed air lines, and that the video doesn’t seem to show what they’re connected to. I get the feeling that the rest of the unit is probably the size of an Econoline van (probably with a wizard, barbarian and dragon airbrushed on the side).  Now, if they could compress it down to something that could be carried in a backpack, maybe even a two-man system, they’d have themselves something truly entertaining.

Also not given is what sort of range the system has. It *might* be a laser that comes to a sharp focus at a range of a few cm, and then quickly diverges again. But if it’s a truly parallel laser… watch out.

 Posted by at 9:22 pm
Aug 192014

With the recent cat illnesses, serious dropoff in business and increase in vet bills, stress levels hereabouts have been at near-historic levels. But hey, at least I haven’t yet contracted a life threatening case of bronchitis in 2014 (that’s me, always looking on the bright side). One of the consequences of stress is a decrease in lesser creativity… I might still be able to creatively think myself out of some emergency situation, but art? Feh. Gone.

Fortunately, things are starting to crawl back towards the normal only-slightly-apocalyptic level of DOOM stress, and creativity is starting to slooowly return. So, some updates:

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 12:35 am
Aug 172014

Found on ebay, an artists impression of a Hamilton Standard concept for a one-man rocket propulsion system for use by lunar explorers. Dating from 1964, this is a “rocket belt” similar to that built and flown by Bell. The lack of atmosphere would give the rocket nozzles better performance than in Earths atmosphere, and the lower lunar gravity would mean that lower thrust would be needed. Still, performance would likely have been rather disappointing… at best a few minutes of thrust.

ebay 2014-07-19 3 ebay 2014-07-19 2

 Posted by at 11:45 pm
Aug 172014

Michael Brown shot at least 6 times, independent autopsy shows

Family attorney Anthony Gray said the independent autopsy, conducted Sunday, found that Brown was shot twice in the head and four times in the right arm — all to the front of his body.

Makes the notion that the cop executed Brown by shooting him in the back juuuuust a little unlikely.

“This is bound to escalate tensions,” the Rev. Jesse Jackson told CNN.

Yes, no doubt. No matter what any report said, you can rely on some people to use it to rile up a crowd and rake in the lucrative rage-cash.

 Posted by at 11:09 pm