May 162013

Scientists find ancient water on earth cut off for THREE BILLION years.

In short: Earth was doomed today when it was announced that pockets of water trapped for up to three billion years two miles below the surface of Ontario, Canada, have been tapped into via boreholes. Chemicals in the water suggest it may harbor life, which can be safely assumed to be shoggoth-based.

 Posted by at 5:30 pm
May 162013

If someone invades your home, there are really only two good outcomes. The first and most obvious is the outcome that results from the homeowner centerpunching the invader with something along the lines of a .45 or a 12 gauge, though there are the obvious problems of the mess. The other optimal ending is the kind that ends with a mugshot like this:


Suspected Palm Bay home invader beaten, tased by residents



 Posted by at 10:03 am
May 162013

Regardless of your views on Obamas policies and ideology, one thing that can’t really be denied is that he was pretty much wholly unprepared to become President. A little while in the Senate  following a basically contest-free election, following a little while in the Illinois senate, characterized by voting “present” a lot, followed by no time spent in positions of business or military leadership. And now that his incompetence is coming to the fore with multiple scandals, questions are starting to be raised about whether the stress is finally getting to him.

Take, for example, this CNBC article:

An Onset of Woes Raises Questions on Obama Vision

Where we read:

Yet Mr. Obama also expresses exasperation. In private, he has talked longingly of ”going Bulworth,” a reference to a little-remembered 1998 Warren Beatty movie about a senator who risked it all to say what he really thought. … ”Probably every president says that from time to time,” said David Axelrod, another longtime adviser who has heard Mr. Obama’s movie-inspired aspiration.

Why is this of interest?  Well, here’s part of the plot description of Bullworth from Wikipedia:

Tired of politics and his life in general and planning to commit suicide, Bulworth negotiates a $10 million life insurance policy with his daughter as its beneficiary in exchange for a favorable vote from the insurance industry. Knowing that a suicide will negate his daughter’s inheritance, he contracts to have himself assassinated within two days’ time. … Bulworth happily accepts a new campaign for the presidency right before he is shot in front of a crowd of reporters and supporters by an insurance representative fearful of Bulworth’s push for single-payer health care.

A President fantasizing about emulating a suicidal movie character who supports the same policies as the real-world politician sounds juuuuust a little bit disturbing.

 Posted by at 9:54 am
May 152013

I’ve made many test runs and made considerable progress. I’ve also run out of supplies and need to improve the mechanical infrastructure. so I’ve decided to sell the “prototypes” I’ve made. These are indeed  prototypes, and more to the point they are prototypes of art, so they are imperfect and variable… but they’re nevertheless pretty spiffy. These are actual cyanotype blueprints on actual vellum, an they not only look right (based on the vintage blueprints I’ve actually gotten my mitts on), they *feel* right.  The failure rate is pretty high compare to the watercolor paper, but the results are much more authentic.

I currently only have a few of each. If you would like one or more of the following, send an email stating which ones to:   On a first come first served basis I’ll pass along a paypal invoice. Postage (tubes) will be $6 US, $12 everywhere else for any number.

I will update this post with revised availability numbers. When more supplies and improved infrastructure is on hand I’ll make new prints for those that requested them.

Here’s what I have (the 12X18’s were mae two at a time on 18X24 sheets an will be sliced apart):


Convair super Hustler~20X36; $70. On hand: 2 1 0

Saturn V, 1/72: messed up by being a mirror-image. D’oh. Would look good at a distance. This mirror image is $35; the final product will be $75. on hand: 1

Saturn Ib, 1/72: $40 On hand: 1


A-4 (V-2) layout drawing, 18X24 inches: $40. On hand: 4 3


A-4 (V-2) rocket engine, 18X24 inches. $40. On hand: 1


ICARUS, 12×18; $20. On hand: 1

Super NEXUS,12×18; $20. On hand: 0


A-4 (V-2) engine,12×18; $20. On hand: 1

A-4 (V-2) layout,12×18; $20. On hand: 1 0


10-meter Orion, 12×18; $20. On hand: 1

NERVA diagram, 12×18; $20. On hand: 1



Mercury prelaunch configuration, 12×18; $20. On hand: 2

Fat Man atom bomb, 12×18; $20. On hand: 2



Wasserfall layout, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0

Nuclear Light Bulb, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0


Mercury inboard views,12×18; $20. On hand: 1

Mercury capsule instruments, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0



Pioneer plaque, 12×18; $20. On hand: 2

Gemini capsule, 12×18; $20. On hand: 5


NERVA art, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0

4,000 ton Orion propulsion module, 12×18; $20. On hand: 1



XNJ-1 nuclear turbojet, 12×18; $20. On hand: 3

X-15A-3 delta-wing, 12×18; $20. On hand: 3 2 1


Gemini (see above)

F-1 engine components, 12×18; $20. On hand: 3


Republic ASP exterior, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0

Republic ASP interior, 12×18; $20. On hand: 0


 Posted by at 12:03 am
May 142013

A collection of designs produced for alternate space shuttle configurations. This was the last gasp for configurations substantially different from what actually got built…. the second design from the far right became the baseline layout. But even with a recognizable orbiter and external tank, considerable variation was possible in overall launch vehicle layout. Not shown is a flyback booster option.

 Posted by at 10:25 pm
May 142013

If you’re like me, many of these will cause you to hearken back to Dr. Demento’s golden age of the mid 1980s. if you’re not like me, I cannot understand what your goals, dreams, motivations are. Shrug.

The quintessential Demento “Star Trek” parody – “Star Trekkin'”

[youtube FCARADb9asE]

Nimoy and a bunch of hippies make “The Hobbit” seem kinda silly

[youtube AGF5ROpjRAU]

Shatner FOUND A WAY: “Rocketman”

[youtube lul-Y8vSr0I&NR]

Shatner’s classic “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”

[youtube D-yy2URAYqU]

Carol Burnett does a remarkable Shatner impression

[youtube b-WBKah3uwg]


And a blast from the more recent past:

[youtube X6oUz1v17Uo]

And from the even more recent past:

[youtube W-WA90u0f0Y]

And because I own this blog and I say so, the Batman/Joker interrogation scene:

[youtube w2yv8aT0UFc]

Yeah, I’ve probably posted many of these before. Deal with it.


 Posted by at 8:31 am
May 142013

Today is CrazyNews from around the world;


Michael Boggan Gets Fingers Blown Off From Bomb Built by Teens

Some australian teenagers thought it would be a hoot to make a grenade and toss it to an autistic kid who was trying to befriend them. Result: the autistic kid now has basically no fingers. Seems to me an appropriate punishment would be to amputate the ringleaders fingers and use the tissues in cloning experiments. a proper judicial system would focus on restitution rather than purely punishment, so having the criminals donate  their own fingers to restore the victim seems perfectly fair to me.


Road-builder bulldozes one of biggest Maya pyramids in Belize; police open criminal probe

Because 2,300-year-old  ceremonial sites make great quarries.


Savage Online Videos Fuel Syria’s Descent Into Madness

Remember, the Arab Spring is just awesome. Especially when the rebels cut the hearts out of government soldiers an EAT THEM.
 Posted by at 12:29 am
May 132013

A few days ago, just before bronchitis popped up to say “howdy,” I saw a remarkable display in the sky… concentric and *extremely* bright halo fragments, apparently 22 an 46 degrees. I’ve never seen halos this bright: generally I can only see them when wearing sunglasses; with the naked eye they’re just whitish smudges. This time they were astoundingly visible with the naked eye. And so of course I didn’t have a camera with me, just a low-end cell phone.

Image0(6) Image0(7)

 Posted by at 10:15 pm