May 142013

Today is CrazyNews from around the world;


Michael Boggan Gets Fingers Blown Off From Bomb Built by Teens

Some australian teenagers thought it would be a hoot to make a grenade and toss it to an autistic kid who was trying to befriend them. Result: the autistic kid now has basically no fingers. Seems to me an appropriate punishment would be to amputate the ringleaders fingers and use the tissues in cloning experiments. a proper judicial system would focus on restitution rather than purely punishment, so having the criminals donate  their own fingers to restore the victim seems perfectly fair to me.


Road-builder bulldozes one of biggest Maya pyramids in Belize; police open criminal probe

Because 2,300-year-old  ceremonial sites make great quarries.


Savage Online Videos Fuel Syria’s Descent Into Madness

Remember, the Arab Spring is just awesome. Especially when the rebels cut the hearts out of government soldiers an EAT THEM.
 Posted by at 12:29 am