May 162013

Regardless of your views on Obamas policies and ideology, one thing that can’t really be denied is that he was pretty much wholly unprepared to become President. A little while in the Senate  following a basically contest-free election, following a little while in the Illinois senate, characterized by voting “present” a lot, followed by no time spent in positions of business or military leadership. And now that his incompetence is coming to the fore with multiple scandals, questions are starting to be raised about whether the stress is finally getting to him.

Take, for example, this CNBC article:

An Onset of Woes Raises Questions on Obama Vision

Where we read:

Yet Mr. Obama also expresses exasperation. In private, he has talked longingly of ”going Bulworth,” a reference to a little-remembered 1998 Warren Beatty movie about a senator who risked it all to say what he really thought. … ”Probably every president says that from time to time,” said David Axelrod, another longtime adviser who has heard Mr. Obama’s movie-inspired aspiration.

Why is this of interest?  Well, here’s part of the plot description of Bullworth from Wikipedia:

Tired of politics and his life in general and planning to commit suicide, Bulworth negotiates a $10 million life insurance policy with his daughter as its beneficiary in exchange for a favorable vote from the insurance industry. Knowing that a suicide will negate his daughter’s inheritance, he contracts to have himself assassinated within two days’ time. … Bulworth happily accepts a new campaign for the presidency right before he is shot in front of a crowd of reporters and supporters by an insurance representative fearful of Bulworth’s push for single-payer health care.

A President fantasizing about emulating a suicidal movie character who supports the same policies as the real-world politician sounds juuuuust a little bit disturbing.

 Posted by at 9:54 am