Yesterday I mentioned the homeless guy who returned a ring. Last year I mentioned the bus monitor lady who got harassed. In the latter case, a donation drive was set up for her which netted shy of three quarters of a million dollars; the ongoing donation drive for the former is over $142K, and I imagine will peter out around $150K. I begrudge these two not one cent of the donations they get; so far as I know they didn’t lie to obtain sympathy, and people are donating out of their own will to do so.
But then there are these two guys:
In short: a woman drove off a road, hit a tree, went down an embankment and died. The car was hidden by the greenery… as were the woman’s two small surviving daughters (ages 4 and 2), who sat outside the car under a blanket and were pretty much just doomed. But two fishermen happened by some time later, saw the bark rubbed off the tree by the car and decided to check it out… and in the end directly saved these two girls lives.
Consider: a woman gets verbally harassed by children, and scores $700K. A guy gives back something he knew not to be his, and will score ~$150K. Two guys notice something unusual that apparently other people took no heed of, and saved the lives of two children. Who wants to bet they *don’t* score? I searched both of the funding sites for “Kraai McClure” (one of the rescuers… and how many people can there possibly be with that name), and drew a blank both times.
I’ve no idea how to set up such a thing myself, or how to deal with the logistics of a successful donation drive. But obviously other people do. I’d love to be proven wrong .