Aug 142011

Twenty-third in the series of reconstructed drawings from Paul Suhler’s book “From RAINBOW to GUSTO.” This is the Lockheed A-11 design as drawn by Ed Baldwin in March 1959. This particular drawing has a Source Grade of four:

“RAINBOW to GUSTO” is available from Amazon:

To download the high-rez version of the A-11 drawing, simply click THIS LINK. You will be prompted for a username and a password. For the A-11 drawing, use these:

Username: the FIRST word in the body of the text on page 157

Password: the LAST word in the body of the text on page 157

(Remember: Case Sensitive!)

ALSO NOTE: if all you get is a “red X,” that means the image is too large for your browser to display (I’ve not had a problem with Firefox, but have had with IE). In that event, simply hit the Back button to this page, and right click on the link above and save the image directly to your computer and view from there.

Up next: D-33 configuration

 Posted by at 12:13 pm
Aug 142011

A video from early in the Apollo program describing the Lunar Orbital Rendezvous technique for landing men on the moon. Note the very early Lunar Excursion Module design.

[youtube XsV1sMEzm-I]

Also note the use of grappling arms to grab the LEM and move it into docking with the Apollo capsule, the dead-wrong “Bonestell” lunar topography well as the *extremely* unpleasant method of getting from the LEM to the surface and back in.

 Posted by at 12:42 am
Aug 132011

A few years ago when I got the harebrained notion that I might make some money with my photography, I set up another website, Yes, it’s a crappy name… as memory serves, I thunk it up about 4 AM one morning after a long night of working, and finding that the obvious websites incorporating “photography” and “Scott” were taken. Anyway, after a few years of having a bunch of photos available for sale there and never selling a single one, I scraped the website off. It’s now sort of a placeholder. One thing it does have is a secondary blog, devoted specifically to my photography. Right now… not much there. But from here on out, or at least until I get bored/forget/grow disgusted/get despondent, that will be the primary host for photography blog postings. I’ll still post them here, but in a less space-consuming way (one photo and “more after the break” sort of thing, I imagine). The other blog will be strictly photography… no aerospace (except, of course, good aero photos), no political rants, no news blather, etc.

 Posted by at 8:48 pm
Aug 132011

Four full-color drawings scanned at 300 DPI presenting design concepts for a proposed nuclear-turboprop-powered version of the Saunders-Roe “Princess” Nuclear Flying Test Bed seaplane. Drawings from Convair, 1958.
Drawings: SD-58-14 (3781×3157 px), SD-58-14001-1 (5685×3291 px), SD-58-14001-2 (5857×3217 px), inboard Profile un-numbered (8451×3211 px).
BONUS: Cleaned-up grayscale versions of these drawings at the same resolution. Makes for much better printing.

Download order: $5.50


See the full catalog of drawings & documents.

 Posted by at 7:45 am
Aug 122011

Remember this bit of astonishingly effective propaganda?

This was created by one Shepard Fairey, the same artist who created the Andre the Giant “Obey” thing some years back, along with a lot of other commercial and political propaganda art. Well, seems this great warrior for Hope and Change was in Copenhagen, Denmark, to create some commissioned art. After the opening of his exposition, he got jumped and beat up. By, as it turns out, leftwingers who think he’s a sellout and part of the “Obama Illuminatti.”

So how’s that Hope and Change workin’ out for ya?

 Posted by at 9:35 pm
Aug 122011

It’s a Pattern: London Rioters Are Leaving Bookstores Untouched

On the one hand, it’s good that the lootercrats aren’t destroying books, a popular past-time amongst the non-thinking class. On the other hand, they’re not stealing them, either. Which is good for the bookstores, but indicates that the lootercrats just aren’t that into reading. Which is bad news for the future.

Still, it’s probably for the best. If you make the mistake of getting these morons to read, they might read something horrible – Mao’s Little Red Book, Mein Kampf, Das Kapital, Audacity of Hope, Rules for Radical – and get some even *more* destructive ideas to rattle around in the void where their minds aught to be. Sometimes, ignorance is really for the best.

 Posted by at 9:18 pm
Aug 122011

NOTE: Slightly out of sequence.

Twenty-second in the series of reconstructed drawings from Paul Suhler’s book “From RAINBOW to GUSTO.” This is the Lockheed A-12 design as drawn by Dick Fuller in mid 1959. This particular drawing has a Source Grade of four:

“RAINBOW to GUSTO” is available from Amazon:

To download the high-rez version of the A-12 drawing, simply click THIS LINK. You will be prompted for a username and a password. For the A-12 drawing, use these:

Username: the FIRST word in the body of the text on page 173

Password: the LAST word in the body of the text on page 173

(Remember: Case Sensitive!)

ALSO NOTE: if all you get is a “red X,” that means the image is too large for your browser to display (I’ve not had a problem with Firefox, but have had with IE). In that event, simply hit the Back button to this page, and right click on the link above and save the image directly to your computer and view from there.

Up next: A-11 configuration

 Posted by at 9:06 pm
Aug 122011

Following up the photos I showed before, here is a NASA-Langley video showing the VATOL (Vertical Attitude Take Off and Landing) F-18 model being put through its paces in a wind tunnel. The model features a nose section that can tilt down by 90 degrees or soso that the pilot remains in a proper seated position while the aircraft is vertically oriented

This was not meant as a demonstrator for an actual effort to modify an F-18 into a VATOL craft, but just a generic test of the basic concept.

[youtube 1bZAmyNe5PU]

 Posted by at 9:12 am