Aug 132011

A few years ago when I got the harebrained notion that I might make some money with my photography, I set up another website, Yes, it’s a crappy name… as memory serves, I thunk it up about 4 AM one morning after a long night of working, and finding that the obvious websites incorporating “photography” and “Scott” were taken. Anyway, after a few years of having a bunch of photos available for sale there and never selling a single one, I scraped the website off. It’s now sort of a placeholder. One thing it does have is a secondary blog, devoted specifically to my photography. Right now… not much there. But from here on out, or at least until I get bored/forget/grow disgusted/get despondent, that will be the primary host for photography blog postings. I’ll still post them here, but in a less space-consuming way (one photo and “more after the break” sort of thing, I imagine). The other blog will be strictly photography… no aerospace (except, of course, good aero photos), no political rants, no news blather, etc.

 Posted by at 8:48 pm

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