Nov 242009

As a companion to Space Drawing Set 18 (booster), here are the equivalent drawings for the orbiter, McDonnell Douglas Model 255, Phase B high crossrange orbiter from 1971. All drawings are in B&W, and all come with half-size versions for easier viewing and printing. All contained in a single ZIP file.
255BJ00050sht1: General Arrangement, Siamese Tank, Delta Wing Orbiter (8154X3231 pixels)
255BJ11138sht1 Wing Structural Assy Delta Wing Orbiter (4123X3106 pixels)
255BJ11138sht2 Wing Structural Assy Delta Wing Orbiter (8240X3300 pixels)
255BJ11138sht3 Wing Structural Assy Delta Wing Orbiter (8200X3300 pixels)
255BJ11138sht4 Wing Structural Assy Delta Wing Orbiter (8094X3234 pixels)
255BJ23143 Structural Assy Vertical Tail Delta Wing Orbiter(8062X3186 pixels)
255BJ30092 Fuselage Structural Assy Delta Wing Orbiter(15990X3326 pixels)
255BJ50069 Main propulsion System Installation Delta Wing Orbiter (9873X3240 pixels)
255BJ50070 Airbreathing Engine Fuel System Instal – Orbiter (8144X3232 pixels)
255BJ50146sht1 ACPS/OMS Installation (11628X3333 pixels)
255BJ50146sht2 ACPS/OMS Installation (7550X3300 pixels)
255BJ50146sht3 ACPS/OMS Installation (10262X3333 pixels)
255BJ50147 Airbreathing Engine Installation – Orbiter (8184X3256 pixels)
255BJ50907 ACPS Engine Cover (TPS) Down Firing (8226X3270 pixels)
255BJ58074 Tank Assembly – Main Propellant – Delta Wing Orbiter (8168X3224 pixels)

Space Drawing set 19 can be downloaded for $10.


 Posted by at 4:29 pm
Nov 242009


This is a Space Power Unit Reactor Concept Desk Model. This model was made by the Garrett Corporation in the early 1960’s. This proposal model and booklet was used by Aerojet, Westinghouse, and AiResearch to show NASA their idea of the SPUR electrical power/propulsion supply. The model measures 3” wide and 6 ½” long. The entire model is metal and the stand is lucite. Both the model and booklet are in great condition. Concept models were made in very small numbers, so don’t miss out in this early space race model that unfortunately was never produced.

1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 8.jpg 9.jpg 10.jpg 11.jpg 12.jpg

 Posted by at 12:56 pm
Nov 242009

Seventh in the series of reconstructed drawings from Paul Suhler’s book “From RAINBOW to GUSTO.” This is the mid-winged “Ram Jet Kite” designed by Dan Zuck. This is Figure 51 (bottom). This is *not* a small aircraft (see high-rez version for dimensions)… note the human figure standing in front of the side-view. This particular drawing has a Source Grade of four:


“RAINBOW to GUSTO” is available from (for $39.95) and direct from the AIAA ($29.95 for AIAA members).

To download the high-rez version of the Ram Jet Kite 2 drawing, simply click THIS LINK. You will be prompted for a username and a password. For the Ram Jet Kite 2 drawing, use these:

Username: the FIRST word in the body of the text on page 74

Password: the FIRST word in the body of the text on page 75

(Remember: Case Sensitive!)

Up next: Figure 52, Archangel II

 Posted by at 12:35 pm
Nov 222009

A rare ray of sunshine! A followup to this story of Union officials goign after an Eagle Scout who did too much volunteering…

Boy Scout brouhaha spurs Lehigh Valley union chief to quit post

 Allentown union official Nick Balzano has been a political punching bag all week because he threatened to file a grievance against the city for allowing a Boy Scout to clear a walking path in a city park.

Three days of taking body blows nationally from conservative pundits, a rebuke from the Lehigh Valley’s congressman and even a lashing from his own union led Balzano to voluntarily resign his position Thursday as head of the local Service Employees International Union.

Balzano said he and seven other executive officers of the local SEIU stepped down.

Just a thought: if your Union jobs can be done better by free volunteer labor… then your Union jobs kinda suck. Get a *real* job. Nobody volunteers to stick weld ships or drive rivets in skyscraper construction. Try doing some of *that.*

I do wonder what position Balzano will wind up having in the Obama administration. PR Czar, maybe.

 Posted by at 10:42 pm
Nov 222009

Now this is both entertaining and incriminating… 

 From: Phil Jones <>
To: “Michael E. Mann” <>
Subject: Re: For your eyes only
Date: Thu Feb 3 13:11:46 2005


I presume congratulations are in order – so congrats etc ! Just sent loads of station data to Scott. Make sure he documents everything better this time ! And don’t leave stuff lying around on ftp sites – you never know who is trawling them. The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone. Does your similar act in the US force you to respond to enquiries within 20 days? – our does ! The UK works on precedents, so the first request will test it. We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind. Tom Wigley has sent me a worried email when he heard about it – thought people could ask him for his model code. He has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that. IPR should be relevant here, but I can see me getting into an argument with someone at UEA who’ll say we must adhere to it ! ….

Emphasis mine. Note what it comes down to here… Phil Jones would rather destroy data than hand it over… as he’d be required to BY LAW. Why does Phil Jones matter? Because he and Michael Mann (the target of the above email) are responsible for producing the “Temperature record of the last 1000 years,” better known as the “hockey stick.”

If Jones would rather destroy data than make it public… can we really rely on his results in order to inform decisions? When i worked in aerospace, I had to produce a number of codes realtign to rocket engine performance, typically performance reconstructions, with extrapolations regarding theoretical future performance. Not only was my data open to review… so were my spreadsheets and codes. And yet here we have “scientists” afraid that critics will get a look at their codes. Why is that? Are they afraid that the codes will be found to be flawed? Are they afraid that their codes will be found to have built-in fraudulent assumptions?

 Posted by at 4:13 pm
Nov 222009

When I first moved to Utah in 2004, I assumed that the Great Salt Lake would be a major source recreation for the locals and tourists… boating, swimming, that sort of thing. But as it turns out, I was wrong. The Great Salt Lake is damn near ignored… and for good reason. The water is, as might be expected, very salty… but it’s also loaded with a great many other minerals, metals and toxic nastiness. Nothing lives in it except for some brine shimp and some bacteria… certainly no fish.Willard Bay to the northeast is a fresh water bay, and receives some use… boating and fishing and the like.

What’s more, it’s extremely shallow… boats would run aground. There are places where a person could virtually walk from one side of the lake to the other.

So apart from some salt operations and a few people hunting down brine shrimp, as far as I can tell, the lake is pretty pointless. This, to me, seems like a waste.

What could be done with the lake to make it useful, and what would be required? I have two ideas, which might or might not be mutually exclusive:

1) turn the shallow, toxic lake into a large, deep inland sea stocked with ocean life

2) Turn it into the major energy source for the United States, and perhaps the western hemisphere

So, to start off with, here’s the Great Salt Lake:


It’s an evaporative lake… meaning water flows in, but does not flow out; it just evaporates away. This is why the water quality is so bad… raivers such as the Bear and the Jordan flow in with little bits of salt and other substances dissolved in, leaving those substances behind when the water evaporates away. Total water volume is about 19 cubic kilometers; surface area is about 4400 square kilometers (which averages out to a depth of 4.3 meters). Elevation above sea level at the surface is about 1283 meters.

It will all have to go.

Coming whenever the hell I feel like it: Part 2

 Posted by at 3:50 pm
Nov 222009

Normally I’d suggest that the death penalty is the appropriate punishment for mass murder. But in this case, I believe “life  without the possibility of parole” is better…

<>Defense Attorney: Hasan Is Paralyzed From the Chest Down

According to defense attorney John Galligan, Hasan is paralyzed from the chest down, is incontinent and “in severe pain.”

“He is an individual in need of constant medical attention,” Galligan said. “He has no sensation from his chest down.”

Snerk. Howsabout them 72 virgins now, dumbass?

<> He’s 39 years old… my own damned age.  I gather I can expect to drag on for another 40 or so years. I want this sumbitch to last every bit as long as I do, whether he wants to or not. Medical tech is there to make sure that that happens. Might have to keep his arms permanently strapped down so he doesn’t kill himself, of course, and what with it being 40 or so years of obamacare, such things as “pain medication” probably won’t be high on the list of priorities for him.


Remember: it’s one beep for “yes,” two beeps for “no,” and three beeps for “kill me now.”

 Posted by at 11:05 am