Nov 222009

A rare ray of sunshine! A followup to this story of Union officials goign after an Eagle Scout who did too much volunteering…

Boy Scout brouhaha spurs Lehigh Valley union chief to quit post

 Allentown union official Nick Balzano has been a political punching bag all week because he threatened to file a grievance against the city for allowing a Boy Scout to clear a walking path in a city park.

Three days of taking body blows nationally from conservative pundits, a rebuke from the Lehigh Valley’s congressman and even a lashing from his own union led Balzano to voluntarily resign his position Thursday as head of the local Service Employees International Union.

Balzano said he and seven other executive officers of the local SEIU stepped down.

Just a thought: if your Union jobs can be done better by free volunteer labor… then your Union jobs kinda suck. Get a *real* job. Nobody volunteers to stick weld ships or drive rivets in skyscraper construction. Try doing some of *that.*

I do wonder what position Balzano will wind up having in the Obama administration. PR Czar, maybe.

 Posted by at 10:42 pm

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