Nov 222009

Normally I’d suggest that the death penalty is the appropriate punishment for mass murder. But in this case, I believe “life  without the possibility of parole” is better…

<>Defense Attorney: Hasan Is Paralyzed From the Chest Down

According to defense attorney John Galligan, Hasan is paralyzed from the chest down, is incontinent and “in severe pain.”

“He is an individual in need of constant medical attention,” Galligan said. “He has no sensation from his chest down.”

Snerk. Howsabout them 72 virgins now, dumbass?

<> He’s 39 years old… my own damned age.  I gather I can expect to drag on for another 40 or so years. I want this sumbitch to last every bit as long as I do, whether he wants to or not. Medical tech is there to make sure that that happens. Might have to keep his arms permanently strapped down so he doesn’t kill himself, of course, and what with it being 40 or so years of obamacare, such things as “pain medication” probably won’t be high on the list of priorities for him.


Remember: it’s one beep for “yes,” two beeps for “no,” and three beeps for “kill me now.”

 Posted by at 11:05 am

  3 Responses to “Ha-Ha Hasan!”

  1. I’m a little torn. The public shame and embarrassment is a good punishment, but probably not much of a deterrent. In this case, I’m not sure death is, either.


  2. Drowning him, publicly, in a bucket of his own urine and feces will abrogate the whole martyr thing quite nicely.

  3. Broke this up into two posts :o)
    (That is if either actually posts :o)

    Actually serving military officer, military facility, it will be Leavenworth or a firing squad and a military court will decide. My ‘guess’ is it will be argued heavily in favor of the death penalty, but my ‘gut’ tells me the judgment will be life in prison exactly AS a deterrent :o)

    (No plea bargains, no “he’s hurt enough already,” and defiantly no “secondary” PTSD defense is going to fly in a military court. Everything ELSE aside he broke enough UCMJ codes to do life in Leavenworth as is)

    The whole ‘failed-martyr’ thing for the rest of his life AND no longer being a ‘whole-being’ which is another ‘down-check’ for missing paradise, going to suck having to explain all THAT to Allah you’d think.

    Considering what I know from some folks who have been IN Leavenworth (on both sides of the line) his life will be a living hell no matter what. Hell, given WHAT he did they are going to have to keep him under tight guard 24/7/365 to keep him from being killed, never mind committing suicide!


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