If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the sting operations conducted at the Baltimore, MD, Washington, D.C., and New York City ACORN offices. A man posing as a pimp and a woman posing as a hooker go in to not only get assistance in getting loans for a house, but also for assistance in bringing in underage El Salvadoran girls to work as sex slaves in that house. A normal person would expect that such a request for help would be met with, at least, an uncomfortable silence, and, hopefully, a call to the cops. Instead, in at least four instances (and there are rumors of another dozen or so sting videos to come), the “pimp” – who also claims to be working on a political career, basing it on the profits to be obtained from the child prostitution ring – gets a lot of advice on how to break the law. The first three (which you can watch HERE (Baltimore) and HERE (DC part 1) and HERE (DC part 2) and HERE (NYC part 1) and HERE (NYC part 2) ) are bad enough. But the latest video out of San Bernadino is just simply astonishing.
This has been all over the Interweb tubes and Fox news, but has been getting less coverage on the mainstream media sources. ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson lays out the case why this scandal has been so underplayed: he wasn’t aware of it.
Of course, ACORN has been trying to spin this scandal as anyone’s fault but their own. According to a press release from Bertha Lewis, ACORNs Chief Organizer:
We are their Willy Horton for 2009. We are the boogeyman for the right-wing and its echo chambers. If ACORN did not exist, the right-wing would have needed to create us in order to achieve their agenda, their missions, their ideal, retrograde America. … But it is clear that the videos are doctored, edited, and in no way the result of the fabricated story being portrayed by conservative activist “filmmaker” O’Keefe and his partner in crime. And, in fact, a crime it was – our lawyers believe a felony – and we will be taking legal action against Fox and their co-conspirators.
Note the “We are their Willie Horton.” They are comparing themselves to a murder and a rapist. Somehow… that seems appropriate.
Bertha, honey, your little merry band of pirates has itself a problem. Had the sting worked at only one place, you could write it off as some bad apples in your organization. But it wasn’t limited to one office, but AT LEAST four.
“Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: ‘Once is happenstance, twice is a coincidence, and third time it’s enemy action’. ”