Sep 152009

Some more photos of the event:







And here’s the kicker… a crowd-size-estimator from January, used to give the size of the Obama innauguration crowd:


Looks at least like a large fraction of the innaugural attendance, no?

Some videos that give an impression of the size of the crowd:

march on washington dc 9/12 taxpayer tea party protest 

 9/12 Protesters Washington, D.C. Time Lapse Footage

 912 project March on Washington DC 9/12/09. At the Capitol.

Even with the lowball estimates of 60,000, this is an impressive turnout. Lets face it… conservatives in this country just don’t protest like liberals do. Liberals can form a crowd at the drop of a hat; all that “community organizing” and bussed-in union goons can bulk up the numbers real fast. But right-wingers just don’t go in for that sort of thing.

 Posted by at 12:56 am

  5 Responses to “How many went to D.C.? Part 2”

  1. Higher res pictures would really be needed to make a good estimate of the crowds there, and the event…I’m suspicious of that last one.

    However, the whole kerfuffle should be interesting.

  2. I would like to see the time stamps on all these pics. The crowd started building at 7:00 in the morning, and was solid throughout the day. It was not till late afternoon that it started to breakup.

    Some people keep pointing out areas of open grass. Problem? Large areas of the Mall have temporary fencing around them, to allow the grass to recover from all the traffic on it.

  3. > Higher res pictures would really be needed

    Indeed so. The almost complete lack of such imagery is odd, to say the least.

  4. >Indeed so. The almost complete lack of such imagery is odd, to say the least.

    Yup. I’d have thought FreedomWorks would have gotten some.

  5. A great many organizations have so far failed to produce much of anything. The Park Service, last I checked, has not… but then, IIRC Congress banned them from making such estimates after they estiamted that the “Million Man March” failed to produce even half that number. Of course they somehow were magically able to produce such estimates again for the Obama inauguration, but afte rthat they seem to have fallen into a stupor again.

    So, the best estimates will have to remain between 850K and 1.5M until something more definitive comes along.

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