Sep 032009

If you want to end your life of freedom and drudgery, and enter the exciting field of “long-term prison inmatery,” then apparently all you need to do is watch this video on Youtube:

Over the top: ‘child-abuse’ video rated MA15+

 Queensland Police want to send a father of four to jail for up to 20 years on child-abuse charges over a video the Federal Government’s own censors have classified as MA15+.

Chris Illingworth, 61, from Maroochydore, was charged late last year with accessing and uploading child-abuse material after he published, on a video-sharing site, a video of a man swinging a baby around like a rag doll.

Despite having no involvement in the creation of the three-minute clip, he was committed to a trial by jury in the District Court on July 8. He faces a maximum penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment for each of the two charges.

Queensland Police has said any Australians who simply view the clip could face a maximum of 10 years in jail… 

Yow. Just wait till the Obots get hold of this. Watching Glenn  Beck might get you sent up on “treason” charges.

 Posted by at 7:37 pm
Sep 022009

This has been out there for a while, and of course I’m way behind the curve on this. But it’s being force-fed to the chillun’s, including those of, of all places, Utah.

Youtube: “I pledge”

It’s mostly mindless pap, pledging to smile more and be friendlier and all the usual meaningless garbage one comes to expect from overpaid celebrities. But it also includes some hard-core Cult Of Personality  programming:

“I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama”

“I pledge to be a servant to our President”

Great googaly moogaly! Is there *possibly* a more un-American sentiment than pledging to be a servant to a politician… someone who should, instead, be a servant of the people?

If these knuckleheads want to take a giant dump on whatever dignity they have left… hey, great, knock yourselves out. But when this is being forced onto the captive and uncritical audience of children, it crosses the line.

Here’s Penn Gillette laying a somewhat rambling smackdown on this video. “Is there a joke here I don’t get?”

 Posted by at 4:07 pm
Sep 022009

The first two photos below were taken with my Canon SD960 at minimum and maximum zoom. The second two were taken with my Nikon D5000 with the basic lens at min and max zoom. Note that the Point-N-Click actually has greater zoom. The last two were taken with the D5000 with the telephoto lens at min and max zoom.

img_0004.jpg img_0005.jpg

dsc_0759.jpg dsc_0760.jpg

dsc_0761.jpg dsc_0762.jpg

Max zoom on the combine that can be just barely seen on the left of the wider-field photos.


 Posted by at 8:43 am
Sep 022009

America has problems. *LOTS* of problems. And crap like this just ain’t helping.

 According to police and court records, Zeilinski came in wearing a mask and carrying a knife that he put to the throats of several employees, threatening to kill them before stealing cigarettes and cash. As he was leaving–reportedly still making threats–one of the young clerks grabbed a gun and shot him in the arm and back. Zeilinski’s lawyer says his client is asking in excess of $125,000 for pain and suffering and emotional distress.

With luck, the lawsuit will get thrown out. And if we lived in a rational society, Zeilinski’s lawyer would be disbarred, fined the court costs and legal costs of the defendants and put in stocks in the town square for a day or two for children to mock and throw rotten veggies at.

There is an important lesson here: If you are going to shoot a robber, aim for the head and center of mass. Dead criminals rarely hire lawyers to sue their victims. Dead criminals also cost society a hell of a lot less to incarcerate. Think it’s harsh to suggest killing this man? I don’t. He chose of his own volition to threaten death upon the innocent, a threat that he seemed capable of carrying out. Had he escaped without harm, there’s no reason to think he would not have done it again, but with lethal consequences for some other poor clerk.

One of the problems is that he was shot in the back. From a legal standpoint, this could be a problem… according to our degraded legal system, once the threat is over, lethal force is not to be employed. And the flawed assumption somehow is that if the criminal has turned his back on you, the threat is over.

Well, there’s another legal line of thought: SSS. Triple S. However you want to call it, it boils down to:



Shut up.

Dead criminals buried in shallow graves far off the beaten path also don’t hire lawyers to sue their victims.

Remember… friend shelp you move. Real friends help you move bodies.

A movie I saw long ago:

A) Cowboy shoots another cowboy in the back

B) Witness, a cityboy enamoured of “the code of the west” and similar mythical hero rubbish, is shocked. “You shot him in the back!”

C) Cowboy: “It was to me.”

 Posted by at 8:42 am
Sep 012009

Yesterday I want to the wetlands/marshes/swamps to see if’n I coudl find any dragonflies to photograph. While there were a vast number of dragonflies, they were pretty much all on the move, and none would hold still long enough to focus on ’em. But the damselflies were all over the place, and I got some fair-to-middlin’ shots.





 Posted by at 11:17 pm
Sep 012009

A Project RAND study reported on in 1951 unveiled this design for a two-stage hydrazine/oxygen space launcher, with a recon satellite for payload:


Compared to the original RAND rocket of 1946, it is substantially “modernized.” Still a way to go, but it’s not a bad design. And it’s clearly the predecessor to the Project Feed Back vehicle from 1954 (reported on in the V2N3 issue of Aerospace Projects Review) . This sort of thing shows that even without the German rocket engineers, the US still would likely have been able to field a proper space launch industry sometime in the late 1950’s.

 Posted by at 11:04 pm
Sep 012009

Is this a sign of desperation on the part of the O-bots? Or is their echochamber so full of yammering jackasses that they’ve come to believe this?

All 50 States are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.


Keep it up, retards. Please.

 Posted by at 10:56 pm