Sep 022009

This has been out there for a while, and of course I’m way behind the curve on this. But it’s being force-fed to the chillun’s, including those of, of all places, Utah.

Youtube: “I pledge”

It’s mostly mindless pap, pledging to smile more and be friendlier and all the usual meaningless garbage one comes to expect from overpaid celebrities. But it also includes some hard-core Cult Of Personality  programming:

“I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama”

“I pledge to be a servant to our President”

Great googaly moogaly! Is there *possibly* a more un-American sentiment than pledging to be a servant to a politician… someone who should, instead, be a servant of the people?

If these knuckleheads want to take a giant dump on whatever dignity they have left… hey, great, knock yourselves out. But when this is being forced onto the captive and uncritical audience of children, it crosses the line.

Here’s Penn Gillette laying a somewhat rambling smackdown on this video. “Is there a joke here I don’t get?”

 Posted by at 4:07 pm

  One Response to ““I pledge to be a servant to our President.””

  1. I hope the moderates who voted for this idiot are having the hell scared out of them with this kind of crap. Come 2010 (if we make it that long) maybe we can vote enough of his siccophants out of office to effectively neuter him or at least do some damage control.

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