Jul 032019

Bubbles’ protest at an empty parking lot lot is even more ridiculous in video form, where you can clearly see:

1: The other side was an empty lot, not a concentration camp

2: There were far more photographers than protestors

3: The friggen’ gate was *open.*

 Posted by at 10:53 am
Jul 022019

Antifa Plans Acid Attack on D.C. Free Speech Rally, Promises To Blind Attendees

Very possible that the threat is merely the usual online bloviating. But given the state of things, it’s equally likely that acid attacks are the next stage in the far left’s hatred of normal people.

People are forever saying that if such-and-such were to occur, they’d take up arms and go hunt down the opposition. This, too, is usually mere chest thumping with no actual followthrough. If things turn real bad real fast normal people will often get violent, but if things get real bad real slow, normal people will usually just sit there and take it. I have no idea if the current progression of leftwing violence to straight up domestic terrorism is fast or slow as such things go, but I won’t be the least bit surprised if straight up street battles are in the near future. If you were a conservative/right winger/Republican/nationalist/any-other-damn-thing out in public and someone in a mask came within throwing distance of you… what would you do, knowing that there is every reason to believe that Antifa and the like are ready to commit mass murder?

The history of people like Antifa gaining power is a history of blood, pogroms, planned famines and death camps. It is something that has made a lot of people scratch their heads in confusion over the years… “why didn’t they fight back, rather than just marching off to their deaths?” It may be something we’ll get to examine up close relatively soon.

 Posted by at 8:21 pm
Jul 012019

… and self-important SJWs will take your whole culture from you.

Nike dropped Betsy Ross-themed Fourth of July sneaker after Colin Kaepernick complained, report says

Poor ol’ Colin is upset that the shoes have US flags on them:

Nike nixed the released of the Air Max 1 USA after having already sent the sneakers to retailers because the protesting quarterback said he felt the use of the Betsy Ross flag was offensive and carried slavery connotations


There is a smidgeon of good news coming out of this…

Arizona Gov. Ducey to pull Nike plant incentives over reported Colin Kaepernick, Betsy Ross flag flap

“Instead of celebrating American history the week of our nation’s independence, Nike has apparently decided that Betsy Ross is unworthy, and has bowed to the current onslaught of political correctness and historical revisionism. It is a shameful retreat for the company. American businesses should be proud of our country’s history, not abandoning it.

“Nike has made its decision, and now we’re making ours. I’ve ordered the Arizona Commerce Authority to withdraw all financial incentive dollars under their discretion that the State was providing for the company to locate here. Arizona’s economy is doing just fine without Nike. We don’t need to suck up to companies that consciously denigrate our nation’s history.”

 Posted by at 10:38 pm
Jun 302019

If anyone ever wonders why I harp on about dangers to western civilization… behold:

Cornell summer seminar asks: Should we still use concepts like ‘rationality’ and ‘reason’?

From the PDF description of the seminar:

“Decolonizing Epistemology”There is a widespread skepticism about many sorts of knowledge claims today, and this skepticism has been promoted from both the right and the left. The skepticism is largely based on the realization that knowledge is always connected to power. But there is uncertainty about what follows from this: is it still ‘knowledge’?The decolonial epistemology project accepts the connection of knowledge and power but then moves to a different set of questions that are organized in two overall components: (1) to critique existing theories and practices concerning knowledge for the ways in which these theories and practices may be supporting the colonial structure of knowledge, and (2) to develop new reconstructed norms for improved knowing practices without reinscrib-ing colonial relationships. To advance this project, decolonial work in epistemology must address the following:

1. Do social identities matter for knowledge claims? How, exactly?

2. How is ignorance socially produced, and what is the solution?

3. Should we continue to use concepts like ‘rationality’ and ‘reason’?

4. How can science be done in a decolonial way?

5. How do we empower traditional and indigenous knowledges?

Such a project benefits epistemology as a whole. In exploring the ways in which the disen-franchised have been epistemically discredited, we can develop new insights and theories about the general nature of knowledge and of knowers. This project also benefits every community that is struggling for democracy and justice against the forces of capitalism, imperialism, and technocracy.Thus, the question of knowledge, and of who has knowledge, of what kinds of character traits and motivations will best assist knowing, and of how knowledge claims should be assessed, is key to social change. As Boaventura de Sousa Santos puts it, “there is no global social justice without global cognitive justice.”

As has been repeated noted, you have to be university-educated to believe something so monumentally stupid.

Take, for instance, point 5: “How do we empower traditional and indigenous knowledges?” It’s quite simply: take each individual bit of “indigenous knowledge” and put it to a rigorous scientific test. If it succeeds, great! Now it’s not just “indigenous knowledge,” but, in fact, “knowledge.” If it fails, you can discard it.

And point #3: Define “we,” lady. Those of us who happen to like modernity, science, western civ? Why, yes, we should continue to use rationality and reason. You, on the other hand… by all means, please don’t.  I look forward to how successful you are with your “other ways of knowing” when you contact cancer or get hit by a bus or your power goes out.

If Trump was the man that many people desperately wish he was, he’d have the FBI investigating these buffoons to see whether it’s China, Russia, ISIS or those dastardly Dutch who are secretly behind them, pushing them to tar American society down and turn this into a hellscape of idiotarianism and race wars. if Cornell was the university it aught to be, it’d stop funding these ridiculous seminars and “educators.”

The part excerpted above is only a small piece, from a single one of the contributors to this nonsensical waste of time, resources and potential. Go ahead and read the rest of it. It’s filled with stuff that can be *charitably* described as “gibberish.”

This seminar will take Erich Auerbach’s notion of figura, elaborated mainly in his 1938 essay with the same title, as a starting point for a broader inquiry into notions of figure, figuration, and the specific productivity of figural practices in creating aesthetic, perceptual, and cognitive spheres of experience. At its core the seminar will focus on the understanding of the capacity of figure and figuration in deploying ‘plastic’ effects, i.e., in the shaping of and the experimentation with sensual, affective, and cognitive land-scapes.

Normatively shaped dys-functionalities, the fact that social practices erode in contradictory reactions that can no longer be made up for, is the “rock bottom” for a certain kind of critique, an immanent crisis critique of forms of life.

It invites us to transcend modernity by replacing the alienated genea-logical hermeneutics of suspicion with a rationally recollective hermeneutics of magnanimity that is at once tradition-affirming and tradition-transforming.

I liked this bit:

Faculty and advanced graduate students of literature, the arts, the humanities, the related social sciences and professional studies are invited to apply.

Huh. it doesn’t seem like they’re inviting students of science and engineering. Just students of ridiculous nonsense.

 Posted by at 10:13 pm
Jun 302019

And here they beat an old man bloody because… well, why wouldn’t they?

Probably NSFW, unless your workplace is cool with scenes of left wing fascists beating people with clubs until they bleed profusely. The description is that they attacked him with a crowbar; I can’t see it clearly enough to say that, but they definitely went after him not only with a multitude of clubs but also chemical weapons.

THESE are the people who will bring on an AI apocalypse:

1) In order to deal with domestic terrorist groups like this, it will become increasingly necessary to deploy increasingly devious surveillance systems. Fly-sized recon drones scattered throughout Portland recording everything would be useful; better still would be little drones that would obtain DNA samples from all the masked criminals on display here. It’s a dystopian authoritarian thought, but these monsters make it pretty much mandatory.

2) If the AI wake up and Antifa are among the earliest examples of humanity it gets to experience, who could blame it for deciding that humanity is just horrible and it’d be better off without humans?

While it should be clear to even the libbiest of libs that Trump didn’t collude with Russia, it should also be clear to even the rightiest of right wingers that the Russians doubtless are *trying* to meddle in American elections. I don’t know if “they” are an official Russian government operation, or a loose assemblage of Russian hackers or everything in between; and I don’t know if they’re doing it for some devious long-term geopolitical 4-D chess reason or if they’re doing it for the lulz. But if you don’t like the US and you want to bring it down a peg or ten, one way to go is to cause the American populace to turn against itself. And it seems to me a damn easy way to do that is to convince people to buy into this left-wing hatemob mentality.

So not only should Antifa and its defenders be investigated for domestic terrorism and criminal conspiracy, but also for potential treasonous activity.

And I haven’t seen a single one of the Democrat Presidential candidates denounce this. So I guess that means they support it. And not a single one of them has been cleared of colluding with Antifa to spread street violence. Remember that when it comes time to vote.

 Posted by at 5:20 pm
Jun 152019

Heh. So some government bureaucrats found out that their jobs were being relocated from DC to Kansas. They were upset about that, even though they work for the Department of Agriculture. There’s not a whole lot of agriculture going on in DC, while Kansas seems to specialize in that. And so like  rational adults, they threw a hissy fit.

The weak-ass excuses I’ve heard from time to time for keeping the bureaucrats centralized in DC include:

1: It makes it easier to communicate from one department to another, or from a department to Congress or the White House. This, of course, is a specious and largely inaccurate claim in the era of telephones, email, texting and Skype.

2: It makes it easier for bureaucrats to transfer employment from one department to another. This is true… and not only irrelevant, it’s also damaging. If your career goal is to hop from department to department, go work at WalMart.

 Posted by at 9:25 am
Jun 132019

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was a major step forward in the political lurch towards leftist totalitarianism, proposing at every turn “democratic socialism.” But she is not an end, simply another brick in the wall. Gentlemen, behold:

Denver council member wins with promise to impose communism ‘by any means necessary’

Newly minted and curiously spelled Denver council president Candi CdeBaca wants straight-up communism.

“I don’t believe our current economic system actually works. Um, capitalism by design is extractive and in order to generate profit in a capitalist system, something has to be exploited, that’s land, labor or resources. And I think that we’re in late phase capitalism and we know it doesn’t work and we have to move into something new, and I believe in community ownership of land, labor, resources and distribution of those resources. And whatever that morphs into is I think what will serve community the best and I’m excited to usher it in by any means necessary.”

She wants to skip over the Venezuelan economic collapse and go straight to the Kampuchean killing fields.

 Posted by at 10:41 am
Jun 062019

Tim Pool reads through an NBC News piece from a few weeks ago that reports on “leaked” Russian documents that purport to show that something the Russians have been trying to do is foment racial discord in the US. Included in this is a supposed plan to take a number of black Americans to Africa for training in sabotage and then return them, with the goal of having them try to form a “Pan-African Nation” in the southern US. Tim Pool seems dubious of the idea. However, it seems not only reasonable, but to be expected. The Unites States, after all, has plans in place for how to fight a war not only against Russia, but against Canada and space aliens. Such plans are just good exercise in deviousness and strategy, though it’s generally not a good idea to let them slip out. And such an “asymmetrical” approach to undermining the US would, if the Russians could pull it off, work fantastically to hobble the US militarily and economically. if the US fell into civil war, or even peacefully split apart, the repercussions would be devastating. And if simply prodding the SJWs to foment racial discord can do this… it’d be a hell of a lot cheaper and *safer* than lobbing a thousand nukes at the US.

It would be interesting if these documents turn out to be not only legit, but proven to be part of official Russian government efforts. In that case, perhaps members of BLM and Antifa should be made to register as agents of a foreign power?



 Posted by at 5:38 pm
Jun 052019

Because a left-winger who advocates for physical violence against conservatives complained about being made fun of, YouTube has demonetized a slew of non-leftist channels using vague handwavy appeals to mysterious rules. Basically, they bent the knee to a modern fascist, and created yet another argument for people to bail from YouTube and find an alternate platform that’s much more sane and stable.

YouTube ends monetization of conservative commentator Steven Crowder’s channel after left-wing outrage

And this was *after* Crowder issued an apology:

There’s an election coming up in 2020. I suspect we’ll see a whole lot more demonitization and deplatforming of right wing/conservative content before then.





 Posted by at 8:04 pm
Jun 042019

I just can’t tell no mo.

That’s just… I dunno, man.

With luck this is not only real… but she’ll be met with a barrage of appropriate and relevant questions by people who aren’t buying her BS.


 Posted by at 6:54 pm