Jun 152019

Heh. So some government bureaucrats found out that their jobs were being relocated from DC to Kansas. They were upset about that, even though they work for the Department of Agriculture. There’s not a whole lot of agriculture going on in DC, while Kansas seems to specialize in that. And so like  rational adults, they threw a hissy fit.

The weak-ass excuses I’ve heard from time to time for keeping the bureaucrats centralized in DC include:

1: It makes it easier to communicate from one department to another, or from a department to Congress or the White House. This, of course, is a specious and largely inaccurate claim in the era of telephones, email, texting and Skype.

2: It makes it easier for bureaucrats to transfer employment from one department to another. This is true… and not only irrelevant, it’s also damaging. If your career goal is to hop from department to department, go work at WalMart.

 Posted by at 9:25 am