Jun 302019

And here they beat an old man bloody because… well, why wouldn’t they?

Probably NSFW, unless your workplace is cool with scenes of left wing fascists beating people with clubs until they bleed profusely. The description is that they attacked him with a crowbar; I can’t see it clearly enough to say that, but they definitely went after him not only with a multitude of clubs but also chemical weapons.

THESE are the people who will bring on an AI apocalypse:

1) In order to deal with domestic terrorist groups like this, it will become increasingly necessary to deploy increasingly devious surveillance systems. Fly-sized recon drones scattered throughout Portland recording everything would be useful; better still would be little drones that would obtain DNA samples from all the masked criminals on display here. It’s a dystopian authoritarian thought, but these monsters make it pretty much mandatory.

2) If the AI wake up and Antifa are among the earliest examples of humanity it gets to experience, who could blame it for deciding that humanity is just horrible and it’d be better off without humans?

While it should be clear to even the libbiest of libs that Trump didn’t collude with Russia, it should also be clear to even the rightiest of right wingers that the Russians doubtless are *trying* to meddle in American elections. I don’t know if “they” are an official Russian government operation, or a loose assemblage of Russian hackers or everything in between; and I don’t know if they’re doing it for some devious long-term geopolitical 4-D chess reason or if they’re doing it for the lulz. But if you don’t like the US and you want to bring it down a peg or ten, one way to go is to cause the American populace to turn against itself. And it seems to me a damn easy way to do that is to convince people to buy into this left-wing hatemob mentality.

So not only should Antifa and its defenders be investigated for domestic terrorism and criminal conspiracy, but also for potential treasonous activity.

And I haven’t seen a single one of the Democrat Presidential candidates denounce this. So I guess that means they support it. And not a single one of them has been cleared of colluding with Antifa to spread street violence. Remember that when it comes time to vote.

 Posted by at 5:20 pm