Aug 082019

The right is every bit as capable of manufacturing fake outrage as the left. Anybody remember the 1980s, with the “Satanic panic,” people freaking out about Dungeons & Dragons and heavy metal, the Proctor & Gamble logo being Satanic imagery? Silly stuff. Today the left has *almost* a monopoly on manufacturing outrage, but the right can still get in a few moments of oddness. Take, for example, the presumably-forthcoming movie “The Hunt.”

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’

From everything I’ve seen, the basic plot is one we’ve all seen before: rich people paying to hunt humans on an island somewhere. The twist here, apparently, is that the rich people are coastal liberals paying to hunt down kidnapped flyover country MAGA-types. That’s different, I suppose, but not really all that unbelievable, especially in a day and age when Twitter bans memes about “learn to code” but leaves unsuspended rich leftists calling for the eradication of Trump supporters.

Some right wingers, and even left wingers, are outraged at the idea of Hollywood depicting leftists hunting down Trump supporters, as they suppose that this is an attempt to celebrate that urge. But… I dunno. Granted I haven’t seen the film and I don’t know how it turns out, but from the trailers it certainly looks like the rich lefties are very clearly the *bad* guys,* and it’s very likely that while most if not all Trump supporters wind up dead, so will the lefties. That’s how this plotline always seems to go. In the end, from the looks of it the flyover-country people will be portrayed as the sympathetic characters on the right side of ethics. So, you know, like in reality.

Not only is this particular “The Most Dangerous Game” plotline old and oft-used, so is the depiction of left-wing power being directly dystopian. Only a few years ago the box office and popular culture were dominated by “The Hunger Games.” What was the basic world depicted there? The United States had collapsed some centuries before, and the society that rose in its place was a totalitarian dystopia run from “The Capital.” Most of America was depicted as a bunch of poor working-class “deplorables” toiling their lives away under the domination of the “elites in the capital… who were depicted as the sort of effete, hateful fashion-obsessed weirdos that we see all too often trying to dominate political discourse. The elites in “The Hunger Games” overdressed in ridiculous impractical clothes and slathered themselves with makeup like an entire mega-metropolis desperately trying to live every day like it was Drag Queen Story Hour. They would not sully their hands with dirty evil guns, but they’re more than happy to surround themselves with faceless armed goons to protect them from the jeans and leather wearing country bumpkins who have been barred the use of arms. “The Hunger Games” depicted an America where the left won and imposed its will… and it showed it to be evil and unsustainable. Even Hollywood seems incapable of dreaming up a world when leftist ideology wins and *doesn’t* become truly horrific. See also “Equilibrium” where everyone is forced onto drugs in order to stop “hate crimes.”

So, hold off on the outrage. Granted, “The Hunt” is produced by the same politically subtle folks who gave us “The Purge,” which is based on the idea that the Religious Right takes over the US and promptly sets about convincing the poor to murder each other, somehow profiting from this. So it may well be that they’ll *try* to make “The Hunt” something to ultimately appeal to the murderous lefties who, like the Dayton shooter, are radicalized and set off by the dangerous rhetoric of extremists like Bubbles Cortez. Perhaps it will end with everybody killing everybody else at the hunting resort… but then it pulls back to see that the Real Head Honchos are still fine, send in a repair/cleanup crew, and kidnap some more deplorables for the next set of rich leftie hunters to go murder. But even if so… Hollywood will still be depicting the lefties as the villains, even if in the course of the movie someone cranks out some nonsensical rhetoric about how right wingers are evil because of this or that leftist talking point.

 Posted by at 12:06 am
Jul 312019

Guess what we’re supposed to hate now:

Even one of Trump’s favorite foods has a hidden Russia connection

Where the author digs deep to demonstrate that hamburgers are Russian, and that since Trump likes hamburgers… well, I guess it’s obvious: Trump is a Russian stooge.

Now, the story of how pre-war Soviets studied American mass food production techniques and made their own kinda crappy take on the hamburger (instead of a minced meat patty between two buns, they turned it into a minced meat patty infested with breadcrumbs, making it more like meatloaf)would be modestly interesting on its own. But this being Current Year, it’s every loyal mediabots job to try to find every opportunity to imply that Trump is a racist or a traitor. And by extension, anyone who also likes hamburgers is a tool of Putin.

 Posted by at 11:32 pm
Jul 302019

Or an eggshell.

What’s really amazing is how nonchalant so many of these people are about committing violent assaults while on camera, *knowing* they’re on camera.They aren’t trying to hide their identities, because they think they’re being heroic in assaulting people who hold the wrong political views. Or who just happen to be somewhat near someone holding the wrong views.

Even though this isn’t as bad as shooting or stabbing someone, the mainstreaming of political violence like this co only lead to worse things.


 Posted by at 7:18 pm
Jul 292019

Add to the list of racists: Baltimore’s former mayor.

As it turns out, Mayor Pugh was removed from office for corruption. Even so, unlike a whole lot of other people on her side, she doesn’t seem to have been nose blind to the earthy scent of rats and dead animals.

And here’s a whole news story full of racists, complaining about the totally-not-real rat problem:

And a news story featuring a couple fighting both rats *and* city hall:


More people who are apparently racist against Baltimore: Baltimores subwayworkers.

The point being: Baltimore is rat infested. Is it anyones fault? Maybe, maybe not. Is it racist to point out that Baltimore is rat infested? Nope. No more than it’s racist to claim that southern Mississippi in August is hot and humid, or that southern California is quakey, or that Seattle has a homeless problem, or that Kansas gets tornadoes or that Thatcher, Utah, tends to get infested with skeeters. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.



 Posted by at 1:42 pm
Jul 272019

So Trump put out another tweet calculated to drive Certain People buggo. And just like clockwork, Certain People went buggo.

Trump’s ‘rat-infested’ attack on lawmaker was racist, says Pelosi

What did Trump tweet?


Baltimore? Filthy, dangerous and rat infested? Clearly trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about. “Charm City” is a clean, safe utopia by all accounts. Such as:

Baltimore drivers ranked worst in America by Allstate for second straight year


Baltimore is the nation’s most dangerous big city

“Baltimore is the big city with the highest per capita murder rate in the nation, with nearly 56 murders per 100,000 people.”


Baltimore On Most Rat-Infested Cities List Again: Orkin

I mean, *everyone* loves Baltimore. It’s a universal.

Bernie Sanders likens West Baltimore to ‘Third World’ country

Facts, it seems, continue to be racist.


 Posted by at 10:55 pm
Jul 182019

For all America’s troubles, there’s one bright spot: unlike Canada, we don’t have a “Human Rights Tribunal.”

Accusations fly at human rights hearing into transgender woman’s Brazilian wax complaint

Short form: a transgender woman went to a home-based business to receive a “Brazilian wax.” But the business owner did not want to carry out the procedure since the customer was equipped with male junk and felt uncomfortable with that (and her husband didn’t want her fondling another dudes tackle). So the customer took the business to the human rights kangaroo court in Vancouver, British Columbia,  in order to ruin them, going so far as to compare the business owner to a Nazi. Which makes one wonder what kind of person wants a Nazi apply liquid-hot magmawax to their nads.

There’s just a whole lot of weird here. There’s also a lot of sad. Remember the story from a few days ago of the kid in Utah with a road-side “beer” stand, making money hand over fist with the jovial approval of the cops? Here we have a story of a woman who had carried out a cosmetic, errr… procedure on friends and family, apparently successfully, decided to make a business of it, and her very first customer put her out of business and has tied her up in an Orwellian thought-crime court.

Canada? Not even once.

Heinlein saw America devolving into chaos. But I don’t think he saw *this* sort of thing.

 Posted by at 9:40 pm
Jul 182019

We have us a new Trigglypuff, being backed up by several people who are *straight* out of Clownworld central casting. Note: the language is NSFW, the intelligence is lacking, the humor is fall-down.

Whenever you see one of “the squad,” just keep in mind that *these* are their voters. Feel free to send this to your politically apathetic friends.

 Posted by at 2:11 am
Jul 172019

Fifty years ago, Apollo 11 was on the way to the moon. This was undoubtedly the greatest achevment in all human history. You would expect that it would be universally celebrated as such, especially in the country that made it happen. Prepare to be surprised.


Now, the newspapers are not incorrect when they point out that Apollo was largely the result of a “white and male” culture. That is, after all, an incontrovertible fact, just as the defeat of Nazism and Imperial Japan and Communism and slavery were the result of “white and male” cultures, as was the development of modern agricultural methods that have permitted humanity to go from a few hundred million on the edge of starvation to many billions of well-fed people, to the extermination of smallpox and the defeat of diseases like plague and cholera and typhus, to the creation of nuclear power and global positioning systems to the spread of democratic ideals and the whole concept of universal human rights. Where they fall down is in deciding that “white and male” is a bad thing that needs to be replaced.

On the one hand… keep it up. The more the whackadoodles in the media spout patently ridiculous nonsense, the more they turn off voters who would otherwise be apathetic, thus *perhaps* ensuring success for the other side. But on the other hand, the more this dribble is repeated, the more it sinks in and helps rot the culture. It would of course be nice if Bubbles Cortez and her gaggle of racist scumbag compatriots gets themselves voted out of office due to backlash against this sort of thing… but she and her intellectually vacant ilk never should have gotten voted in in the first place.


 Posted by at 1:12 pm
Jul 112019

It’s interesting to watch how different locations deal with domestic terrorism In Portland, Oregon, Antifa essentially has free reign to do what they like and harm whom they wish; the mayor is on their side – or is at least cowed by them – and makes sure the cops give them a pass. But over the past few days the news here in Utah has covered a somewhat similar protest In Salt Lake City where the mayor (Jackie Biskupski… remember, she’s not just a Democract, she’s a *gay* Democrat) wasn’t having it. The response by the cops was less “let them do what they want” and more “Oy, what’s all this then?”

The source of the trouble is a little hard to suss out. In short, an “inland port” is in the early stages of being built in an undeveloped area of Salt Lake County. What’s controversial about that? Nothing that I can see, but then, this is Current Year and there are people who freakin’ *live* to find things to be offended by. Consequently, a place to unload cargo is now, somehow, racist. And so a pack of feral hipstery Antifa-wannabees came out and “occupied” the Chamber of Commerce. In true Klantifa fashion, they used violence to try to shut down the news media, attakign a few cameramen. The local government let them protest and bang their drums and make a nuisance of themselves for a while until they started getting rowdy, then the local PD said “enough” and cleaned them out.

Some news coverage is here. Watch the video, it’s interesting… especially Budget Hermione Grainger, somehow the organizer of this little shindig, explaining how they’re all innocence and light. It’s clearly a foreign conspiracy, likely the Queen trying to sow dissent so that her forces can reclaim the Colonies for the Crown. But of great importance is that the local government, including the Governor of the state of Utah, aren’t shying away from the truth:

“Borderline terrorism,” Gov. Herbert called the protest.


In contrast, check out this video from the always mellow and entirely safe for work Razorfist, describing and showing some of the more egregious nonsense the Portland government did in allowing Klantifa to run wild in their streets:



 Posted by at 3:01 pm