Jul 312019

Guess what we’re supposed to hate now:

Even one of Trump’s favorite foods has a hidden Russia connection

Where the author digs deep to demonstrate that hamburgers are Russian, and that since Trump likes hamburgers… well, I guess it’s obvious: Trump is a Russian stooge.

Now, the story of how pre-war Soviets studied American mass food production techniques and made their own kinda crappy take on the hamburger (instead of a minced meat patty between two buns, they turned it into a minced meat patty infested with breadcrumbs, making it more like meatloaf)would be modestly interesting on its own. But this being Current Year, it’s every loyal mediabots job to try to find every opportunity to imply that Trump is a racist or a traitor. And by extension, anyone who also likes hamburgers is a tool of Putin.

 Posted by at 11:32 pm