Mar 152014

Chancel repair liability: The ancient law that could hit house prices

In short, a law can hold private home owners responsible for paying the bills for repairing churches built before 1536. This seems to mean that individual homeowners can be on the hook for up to £250,000 to fund the repair of a church, simply because they happen to be nearby.

Of course, there is similar insanity in the US. If an endangered species is found on your property, your right to modify your property as you see fit can be wiped out. The differences are important; not least being that if *you* find the endangered species first, you can whack it upside the head and bury it. If a British homeowner decides that the best approach to a massive repair bill for something he doesn’t own is to burn that something to the ground, someone will probably notice.

 Posted by at 11:30 pm
Mar 102014

So, the Armalite firearms company ran this ad:


And in a magnificent example of the Streisand Effect, the Italian government goes goofy:

Italians angry over ad featuring Michelangleo’s David toting a rifle

Various Italian government officials want Armalite to withdraw the ad, claiming it’s *illegal* because the Italian government holds the copyright on images of Michelangelo’s David. Which was made over 500 years ago. By a guy who is long dead.


 Posted by at 12:30 am
Mar 042014

10-year-old suspended for making fingers into shape of gun

As if the basic idea isn’t stupid enough, apparently the school-rule fascists have this sort of thing pretty well codified:

the reason for Nathan’s suspension as a “level 2 look alike firearm.”


What’s worse is that if this sort of nonsense continues, not only are the control freaks going to damage generations of kids with respect to firearms and *play,* they’re also going to mess with teaching physics. Anyone else here remember the Right Hand Rule?

Good for physics::


Good for statics & dynamics:


I can see it now….

Oh My God! He has a rocket launcher!!!

Oh My God! He’s got a detonator!



Where things get interesting is when two inviolate areas of political correctness collide. What happens when this ban on “finger guns” runs into Sex Ed?


 Posted by at 8:07 pm
Feb 152014

So, in the wake of the Newtown massacre, New York state rushed to pass some feel-good, do-bad anti “assault weapon” laws aimed specifically at getting rid of the AR-15. What’s the end result? Companies making money by selling bits and pieces that will make your AR-15 law-compliant, but in no way affect the operation of the weapon.

Such as:

The AR-15 Receiver Spur

The New York State SAFE Act states that a “pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon” is one characteristic that defines a rifle as an assault weapon.  If this is the sole characteristic that defines your AR-15 as an assault weapon, The AR-15 Receiver Spur remedies this issue.



If you want to go a little further, Stag Arms sells a butt stock/grip replacement that keeps full functionality yet puts you in compliance:


Or do it yourself:

[youtube 9xHsjxDqrrg]

[youtube GUich0PXxdA]


The point: these laws accomplish *nothing* in terms of “making children safer” or any such rubbish. What they *do* do:

1) Inconvenience some gun owners

2) Persuade other gun owners, previously law abiding, to become criminals.

I think #2 there bears some thinking about. As with many drug laws, what these anti-gun laws do is convince many decent folk that breaking the law is the best option. And once you have done that… you, as a legislator who wrote and passed this law, have contributed to the breakdown of respect for the legal system as a whole.

I believe a case can be made that laws that are passed that serve no purpose but to increase lawlessness are, at their heart, treasonous laws.

 Posted by at 12:17 pm
Feb 122014

Obama serves Hollande ‘cheap’ US wine

Oh Noes! The booze Obama served the French President only cost $125 for, apparently, three bottles!!!!!


The stuff *I* drink tends to cost less than three bucks a *gallon.* ‘Course, it’s squeezed out of a cow, not out of a grape, and if it’s fermented, something has gone seriously wrong…

I have happy dreams of a US President meeting another major head of state with a Coke and a Subway sammich. “Want a bag of chips with that? We’re on a budget these days.”

 Posted by at 9:39 am
Feb 112014

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Gee, I wonder what it looks like when someone takes a full load of rubber pellets fired from a 12 gauge shotgun,” the Venezuelan police are here to answer your request. Due to years of glitteringly successful economic policy, the nation of Venezuela appears – at least according to social media, if not major media – to be in a bit of an uproar. I can only assume that the people are demanding even more policies that result in things like toilet paper being unavailable. But hey, they’ve figured out a fantastic way to deal with “freedom of the press:” just get rid of paper and ink.

I would say that the photos here are NSFW, but hey… print ’em off on the company computer, tack ’em up on the board and say “THIS is what happens when you elect collectivists. THIS is what happens when your government declares that policies that result in people losing their jobs is a good thing, as it frees ’em up. THIS is what happens when a government takes over a large chunk of the economy.”

¡INDIGNANTE! Estas son las imágenes que Maduro no quiere que veas sobre la agresión a estudiantes

 Posted by at 3:25 pm
Feb 062014

Huh. It seems that after spending more than fifty billion dollars to turn a resort town nobody had ever heard of into a resort town everybody laughs at, nobody is going to the resort town.

SOCHI SCENE: Welcome, world _ where are you?

Short form: The Winter Olympics start tomorrow. And apart from the reporters… foreigners are not to be found.

Good job, Vlad!

 Posted by at 12:22 pm