Feb 112014

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Gee, I wonder what it looks like when someone takes a full load of rubber pellets fired from a 12 gauge shotgun,” the Venezuelan police are here to answer your request. Due to years of glitteringly successful economic policy, the nation of Venezuela appears – at least according to social media, if not major media – to be in a bit of an uproar. I can only assume that the people are demanding even more policies that result in things like toilet paper being unavailable. But hey, they’ve figured out a fantastic way to deal with “freedom of the press:” just get rid of paper and ink.

I would say that the photos here are NSFW, but hey… print ’em off on the company computer, tack ’em up on the board and say “THIS is what happens when you elect collectivists. THIS is what happens when your government declares that policies that result in people losing their jobs is a good thing, as it frees ’em up. THIS is what happens when a government takes over a large chunk of the economy.”

¡INDIGNANTE! Estas son las imágenes que Maduro no quiere que veas sobre la agresión a estudiantes

 Posted by at 3:25 pm