May 302022

First up: “President” Joe Biden says that a 9mm bullet from a pistol is “high caliber” and will blow a lung out of your body.Consequently, there’s “no rational basis” for having something as “high caliber” as a 9mm for “self protection” or hunting

He lies and says you couldn’t buy a cannon when the 2nd Amendment was written, when the government was also handing out letters of Marque and Reprisal, allowing private ship owners to work as armed privateers. He also says “you couldn’t go out and purchase a lot of weapons” when the 2nd Amendment was written (“citation needed”).

The man who fled from Afghanistan goes on to say that in order to take on the government you need an F-15 or an Abrams tank. Which is why the Ukrainians, lacking F-15s and Abrams tanks, were conquered overnight by the Russians, I guess?? Then he goes on to say that “everybody’s getting more rational” about gun-grabbing.

And then Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau goes ahead and gives a damn fine reason for Quebec to declare independence, opening the door for the western provinces to go their own way. A semi-autonomous region from from Alaska through BC and Alberta and Saskatchewan and Yukon down through Montana, the Dakotas to Texas  through Iowa and Nebraska  and New Mexico is looking better and better. Persuade Cook County to secede from Illinois and boy, do we have a deal.

To all those who would have citizens surrender their right to self defense to the same party that supports defunding the police, collective punishment for grievances from generations ago and wiping out vast swathes of their own offspring… how about “no.”

 Posted by at 9:37 pm
May 302022

There’s just entirely too much mockable hand-wringing authoritarian panic-mongery gibberish in here to really pick from. It’s *all* just the worst, from some of the worst people on Earth:


Basically it boils down to “Oh Noes! A child is being taught how to use a mechanical object that I’m afeared of!”

Imagine being offended by Autumn’s Armory. Getting outraged by a little girl possibly being able to fend for herself? Buzz off, groomer.

 Posted by at 1:06 pm
May 242022

Here we go again:

15 killed in shooting at Uvalde elementary school; gunman dead, Gov. Abbott says

Rather amazingly, they’ve already released the ID of the shooter: 18 year old Salvador Romas. I suspect that might be an attempt to get ahead of the inevitable political narrative that pops up about this sort of thing. A narrative that’s usually wrong, but serves a purpose.

If you were thinking about buying an AR-15 and/or mags and/or ammo… it’s *really* time to get on that. The politighouls will be all over this; there’s nothing professional gun grabbers love more than dead children. It’s unclear what weapons were used… a handgun almost certainly and *perhaps* a rifle. He seemed to have at least two AR-15’s, based on the social media posts he made.

Salvador Ramos: Suspect in Uvalde Elementary School Shooting

 Posted by at 5:05 pm
May 192022

Huh. Maybe having an aggressive, conquest-driven corrupt and highly irrational nation moving a number of nuclear-capable hypersonic ballistic missiles to your border might make someone think that defending themselves is a good idea…

 Posted by at 4:06 pm
May 152022

Since yesterday’s mass shooting in Buffalo, NY, plays directly into The Narrative, there’s little point in my going on about it: the media will blat on about this for *weeks.* Still, the shooters manifesto has been found and published online several places, such as HERE. It is one hundred and eighty pages. It is bad news: the ghouls in the media and the political class will eat this up. The shooter is a straight up neo-Nazi white supremacist. A lot of his complaints are fact-based, a lot are garbage; his conclusions are nuts.

Something that immediately leaps out when your eyes glaze over at the sheer scale of his jibberjabber is how much effort he put into planning… and in documenting his plans and thoughts and whatnot. He has a long section on the weapons he planned to use: the primary one was a legally purchased AR-platform rifle that he illegally modified. He goes into detail on where he got it, how he modified it, opinions on the relative quality of various manufacturers, blah, blah, blah. It’s the sort of document that would be described as “autistic” in its detail.

While I can’t imagine the level of nuttery that would cause someone to decide that shooting up a grocery store is any kind of good idea, I also cannot imagine the thought process behind documenting the whole thing… or the reasoning that concludes that this act will cause a whole bunch of like-minded folks to rise up and wipe out millions of people they don’t like. All it will end up doing is shutting down valid debate and eroding rights a little more. And driving up the cost of guns, magazines and ammo, which you can now expect yet another run on. Even though he did this with an illegal gun (and specifically targeted a New York store, due to the 10-round limit and low number of legal concealed carriers), expect New York to decide that a new round of laws are needed to prevent this sort of thing. Laws that won’t do diddly to quash the less newsworthy and far more voluminous homicides that take place regularly.

ADDITIONAL: Ruined Leon’s video on the subject is worthy of a view.

 Posted by at 1:25 am
May 112022

*WOW.* Not a fun day to be a tanker.


 Posted by at 2:38 pm
May 042022

Those who have been looking at this blog for long enough may recall that, years ago, it would shut down or lock up or disappear for hours or days at a time due to outside attacks. These attacks were, until I added a bunch of security features, apparently meant to add spy/malware to the blog, to make it a money-making venture for other people. Exactly how that was supposed to work I’m not sure… but most of the attacks – as in well in excess of 90% – seemed to come from Ukraine. Ukraine has a large number of nerds with excess free time, lots of skill and a willingness to unleash it upon just about anybody. Well… now they have a valid target in the form of the Russian military.

Inside the elite Ukrainian drone unit founded by volunteer IT experts: ‘We are all soldiers now.’

Ukrainian drone unit Aerorozvidka eager to strike at night “when Russians sleep”

How Small Drones Could Win The Fight In Ukraine’s Cities (And The Truth About That Anti-Drone Pickle Jar Story)


ISIS and similar groups tried using the same idea – drones with bombs – against the US in the middle east. There, success was minimal… not because the idea wasn’t good, but because ISIS is not exactly filled with nerds. The US countered the drones with electronic warfare: our nerds were better than their nerds, which was not at all surprising. But Russian nerds seem to be absent from this fight. Or, perhaps worse, the Russian military simply took the Russian nerds away from their computers, slapped second-rate AK-47s into their hands and dumped them into trucks.

 Posted by at 10:59 pm
May 022022

Previous footage showed a little drone dropping something akin to a grenade, doing damage to soft targets. Here’s one apparently kerploding a *tank.* WTF??? It drops *two* bombs, so it’s clearly not one of those dinky camera drones, but something bigger, but it still seems like a whole lot of bang for the buck.

 Posted by at 11:18 am
May 012022

Very rare experimental 1913 Patton Saber for the US Cavalry

This saber was made by the Rock Island Arsenal with an additional feature not normally found on swords: a 1911 pistol. I can see this going kinda wrong, but I still kinda want to give it a shot. Clearly it was not adopted for use; it’s practicality is to be seriously doubted. I wonder if the people behind it made it hoping it would be a practical weapon, or if they did it purely as a conversation piece… or as a joke.


 Posted by at 3:28 am