Jun 022022

If your suggestion is to “pack the court,” then yes, you’re the baddie:

House Dem declares gun control will happen even if it means abolishing filibuster or expanding Supreme Court

To hell with the Constitution, amirite?

“If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it. And we will not rest until we have taken weapons of war out of circulation and our communities each and every day.”

The new favorite phrase of the lying idiotarians is “weapons of war.”

And the senile groper-in-Chief continues to blather about how awful it is that citizens are currently allowed to have conventional rifles with standard capacity magazines:

November should prove interesting. Whether or not you believe the Dems rigged the game in the last election… you can bet your ass they’re certainly going to *try* to rig the next one. Between their desire to strip Americans of their rights and their desire to see Americans offspring aborted as often as possible they’ll be highly motivated to make sure they don’t lose their grip on power.



 Posted by at 9:09 pm