
Apr 282016

What a time we live in. We keep finding new places in the solar system… and places orbiting places.

Hubble Discovers Moon Orbiting the Dwarf Planet Makemake

Makemake is a little over 1400 km in diameter (about 2/3 Pluto), and orbits from 38.6 AU to 52.8 AU. Hubble has recently spotted a 100 km diameter chunk of something resembling coal orbiting some 21,000 km from Makemake. The new moon has been nicknamed, unsurprisingly, MK 2.

 Posted by at 8:33 pm
Apr 282016

This seems like it was a blast:

UMass Amherst students throw temper tantrum at free speech event

In short… this last Monday a few people dared say something politically incorrect, and the social justice warriors melted down. For example, behold this clip:


Take special note of the fine young lady who tries to make the whole thing all about her. You know, I try to avoid making fun of people based on their appearance, but sometimes some people behave like *such* jackholes that you cannot help at least cranking out the jokes at their expense in your own head. And, man, this person is so far on one side of the bell curve in terms of both behavior and appearance that it’s hard to not point and laugh. One is left to wonder if she will look back on her performance in shame, recognizing that she pretty much single-handedly proved the speakers right in suggesting that political correctness on campus has gone to far; or is she so messed up that she is beyond recovery and will spend the rest of her life in a  haze of misery, false victimhood and unreasoning hate?

Some other vids from the event:

And a long one:

 Posted by at 6:25 pm
Apr 282016

That’s not how any of this works.

Athol man sues state employee citing “Law of Moses”

Because Mosaic Law says nothing about needing a drivers license or license plates, this feller believes he doesn’t need ’em and that US/Idaho laws are a “fiction.” And so he has decided to sue for $5.6 million the Idaho Transportation Department employee who sent him the letter explaining that since he didn’t have a license he didn’t have the right to drive a car on public roads. It seems, though, he’s suing in a state court, so figure *that* out.

So… sure thing, dude.

Now, I’m all in favor of people who don’t want to live under the laws of the land being allowed to do so. You don’t like it here, go live somewhere else… the universe is vast and appears to be almost entirely empty. Or use the system in place to change the laws you don’t like. But like the “Sovereign Citizen” movements (there are two… a “rural, white” version, and an “urban, black” version), just deciding that the laws don’t apply to you because you’ve got some crackpot paperwork you worked up yourself? Not gonna work.

Image not related.

 Posted by at 10:42 am
Apr 272016

Elon Musk has announced that SpaceX is planning on using a Falcon 9 Heavy to launch a modified and unmanned Dragon 2 space capsule to Mars. In 2018.




Seems the Dragon 2 has been designed to be an all-round planetary lander, supposedly good for “anywhere in the solar system” (oh, yeah, smart guy? Like, the sun? Jupiter? Detroit?). That’s certainly handy, but they’ll need an ascent vehicle if they want to send (and recover) humans.

 Posted by at 5:02 pm
Apr 262016

Just when you think that the war between Socialism and Capitalism, or collectivism and individualism, has covered every battlefield, you find out about one you hadn’t considered:

Why is it illegal to walk freely in most of the US?

In short:

“Oh boo hoo, in the US there’s this terrible concept called ‘property rights,’ and landowners are allowed to keep out trespassers.”

The argument is made in the article that if you want to cross someone elses property you should be allowed to because, you know, because. The writer of the article uses European precedent as an excuse.

If you can convince  a nation that private property is available for public use, then you have successfully eroded the basic *idea* of “private property.” And to many people, that would be a good thing.

 Posted by at 9:38 am
Apr 252016

Gas blasts from black holes show surprising alignment

It seems a statistically significant number of supermassive black holes  (12 out of 64) way off across the universe are shooting out incredibly powerful gas jets in more or less the same direction. These jets are sent out from the poles of the holes, perpendicular to the plane of the accretion disks. If the jets are aligned, that means the black holes are aligned. While this could be due to random chance, the authors of a scientific paper suggest that the alignment may be due to some unknown influence from the “filaments” that are visible on 3D maps of the universe. The “filaments” are formed by strings of galaxies, hundreds of millions of lightyears long.


 Posted by at 5:26 pm
Apr 252016

So Raedthinn and Fingers were sleeping together, minding their own business. When in comes Bruce… young, full of energy, and just really not that smart.

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Fortunately for Bruce, he grew bored of the game before Raedthinn could whop him upside the head (Raedthinn can *punch*).

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 Posted by at 2:54 pm