Sep 172021

If you contributed to my SAC Museum SR-71 photographic trip, you should by now have access to the relevant Dropbox folders with the photos. For those who contributed $10, this includes the “Best of” folder with 94 photos at 1.15 gigabytes. If you contributed at $30 or more for “All The Photos,” you should have access to:

ALCM: 47 photos, 546 megabytes

B-36: 159, 1.99Gigabytes

B-45: 85, 1.05 Gb

B-47: 168, 2.09 Gb

B-52: 179, 2.22 Gb

B-57E: 79, 1.00 Gb

B-58: 283, 3.48 Gb

Misc: 191, 2.36 Gb

SR-71: 280, 2.44 Gb

XF-85: 22, 282 Mb

You should have received a notification from Dropbox of your access to these folders. If you have just the regular personal account or no Dropbox account at all, most of these are too large for them to be allowed to sit on *your* Dropbox account… but you will still be allowed to download the photos, either individually or as a complete folder ZIP file. The description Dropbox gives is a little vague in that regards.

Also, because why not, I’ve added some “bonus” folders including photos taken during previous visits. For those who contributed $50 or more, you should have:

B-47: 75 photos, 89 megabytes

B-52: 53, 204 meg

And for those who contributes $100, you should have:

B-36: 60, 315 meg

B-58: 78, 304 meg


If you’re interested in the photos, or helping me pay for this trip (which included not only car repair/preparations, but also cat food, because *everything* includes cat food), or to help me work on the next couple of books and projects that this trip was in aid of, you can still sign on:

SAC Museum photo trip

Note: Amazon still has my SR-71 book, but, jeez, it’s a bit pricey just now at $39. Did it sell out? Dunno. I *guess* that’s a good sign?


 Posted by at 5:38 pm
Sep 172021

Why France is angry about the US and UK giving Australia nuclear-powered submarines

In response to the trilateral agreement, a French official told CNN on Friday that France has recalled its ambassador to the US for “consultation” — marking what’s believed to be the first time the French have resorted to such a move in modern times.
The French ambassador to Australia has been recalled as well, the official said.
The problem: France had a deal with Oz to provide diesel subs. But Australia changed its mind and wisely went with nuclear subs. Why? Because the Pacific Ocean is friggen’ *big* and the Chinese are getting pushy. Now to get New Zealand on board…
The story also points out that the French Embassy has cancelled/curtailed some parties.
 Posted by at 5:16 pm
Sep 172021

Strange New Worlds could change Spock in one huge, historic way

And what change are they pushing for? I’ll give you one rather obvious guess.

Strange New Worlds should make Spock queer, and it should do so with the support of the fans and the canon behind it. In fact, since we’re talking about Spock’s passion, it’s the only logical thing to do.

Sigh. Anyone who watches TOS and sees Kirk and Spock being gay for each other *really* doesn’t understand normal male friendship. And such worldwreckers shouldn’t write for Star Trek. But chances are they will, because that’s where society has sunk. “You don’t understand straight men, and you despise them? Here, *you* get to control the narrative!”


 Posted by at 5:00 pm
Sep 172021

A fan film set in the “Future War” of the first two Terminator films. Nothing at all resembling a plot; it seems to be a proof of concept film to see if the people working on it can replicate the look of the world  from those two movies. And while there is some definite low-budget “video game” feel to it… had this come out after Terminator or Terminator 2, we would have eaten it up.

The only Terminator big budget movie I would actually consider seeing now, after the woke disaster that was “Dark Fury,” would be one set in the proper original Future War timeline. With a good budget and modern techniques, it would be easy enough to put de-aged/deep-faked Michael Biehn as Reese, Schwarzenegger’s original Terminator and Michael Edwards as John Connor from T2 into the film.


 Posted by at 4:05 am
Sep 162021

As the government of Britain actively works to replace the English (and Welsh, and Scottish) culture with something more glitteringly diverse, old, stale notions of criminals receiving trials and punishments that don’t involve hacking bits off are going by the wayside. in their place, exciting new ideas in dealing with criminal activity, ideas that aren’t constrained by cisheterowhitenormativecryptolibertarianpatriarchal concepts like “law and order.”

Man has hand ‘chopped off at the wrist after Whitechapel vigilantes corner him’

Any comments along the lines that summarily chopping off peoples hands in the streets is not a good idea means you are an -ist and a -phobe.


Note that the suspected thief is not from the same community/culture that lopped his hand off (reportedly a Caribbean import was caught trying to rob Bengali imports). So culturally specific responses to crime are not being restricted to members of that culture.


Enoch Intesifies

 Posted by at 1:40 am
Sep 152021

SpaceX just launched the “Inspiration4” flight with four passengers in a Dragon capsule. What sets this apart: all four are private citizens (space tourists), not government employees or military folk. The capsule is not rendezvousing with the ISS, just floating on its own; consequently it didn’t need a docking adapter and it was fitted with a sizable cupola so the passengers will get a hell of a view. The flight is meant to last three days and reach an altitude of 575 kilometers, higher than anyone has flown since the Apollo days.

Note: Still no “Starliner” flights…

 Posted by at 8:30 pm
Sep 142021

Just an accusation  at this point, but…

Milley secretly called Chinese officials out of fear Trump would ‘attack’ in final days, book claims

I heard people yapping about this on random scraps of talk radio while trekking back and forth across Iowa today. “Treason” was a word tossed around a lot. I always managed to miss the context of the discussion, so I assumed that it was the usual hyperbole. But then…

“Gen. Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time,” Milley added, as reported by the book, “Peril,” which is set to be released next week. “It’s not going to be a surprise.”


The claim is made that a US General called a Chinese counterpart and said that he would provide the Chinese warning  of American military actions. It seems he did not actually provide any such warning; and it is of course possible that he was simply lying for some reason. But offering to provide aid and comfort to the enemy, even if you don’t actually do it… that’s a bad look for anyone, never mind a military man. Never especially mind the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Nowhere near enough to start tossing around trials for treason. But more than enough – if confirmed, and if confirmed to have been done without the Commander In Chiefs approval – for a summary reduction in rank to Private and then drummed from the service for insubordination. Considering his spectacular failure in Afghanistan and delusional belief int he threat of white supremacy, he really needs to be presented with an opportunity to explore new career options in the food service industry.

 Posted by at 11:53 pm