Sep 142021

Just an accusation  at this point, but…

Milley secretly called Chinese officials out of fear Trump would ‘attack’ in final days, book claims

I heard people yapping about this on random scraps of talk radio while trekking back and forth across Iowa today. “Treason” was a word tossed around a lot. I always managed to miss the context of the discussion, so I assumed that it was the usual hyperbole. But then…

“Gen. Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time,” Milley added, as reported by the book, “Peril,” which is set to be released next week. “It’s not going to be a surprise.”


The claim is made that a US General called a Chinese counterpart and said that he would provide the Chinese warning  of American military actions. It seems he did not actually provide any such warning; and it is of course possible that he was simply lying for some reason. But offering to provide aid and comfort to the enemy, even if you don’t actually do it… that’s a bad look for anyone, never mind a military man. Never especially mind the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Nowhere near enough to start tossing around trials for treason. But more than enough – if confirmed, and if confirmed to have been done without the Commander In Chiefs approval – for a summary reduction in rank to Private and then drummed from the service for insubordination. Considering his spectacular failure in Afghanistan and delusional belief int he threat of white supremacy, he really needs to be presented with an opportunity to explore new career options in the food service industry.

 Posted by at 11:53 pm
Sep 142021

Why do I shrug at the “January 6” narrative? Because *actual* cases of terrorism and sedition like the one below go largely unreported by the media (certainly not getting the coverage of a Viking LARPer acting the fool in Congress), even though the actual events and actual motives were far worse than a bunch of chuckleheads wandering around the halls of power uninvited.

Former Washington state Democrat organizer federally convicted over terrorist attack on railroad

The attempt was made to cause trains carrying hazardous materials to derail and/or blow through road intersections without setting off the crossing guards, thus putting cars and trucks at risk of getting hit. Derailing a tanker train in a city is a good way to create a massive disaster. This was not just attempted murder, but attempted *multiple* murder in the service of leftist political goals.

 Posted by at 1:10 am
Sep 132021

An animation of one of the Lunar Escape System concepts. The idea was that if the lunar module ran into some sort of trouble and couldn’t launch back into orbit, the ascent stage could be torn apart and jerry-rigged into a minimalist launch system… essentially a couple of lawn chairs stuck to a few propellant tanks and a rocket. Could it have worked? Sure. Would it have worked? Ehhhhhh….

If it’s “do this crazy thing or give up and die,” I can see the Apollo astronauts getting straight to work.

 Posted by at 1:05 pm
Sep 122021

Some interesting footage of a ship getting nuked. This was the USS LSM-60, a “landing ship, medium” that was used as a float to suspend an atom bomb underwater during the Operation Crossroads-Baker test, July 25, 1946. A “Fat Man” style bomb was in a small submarine 90 feet below the ship when it went off with a yield of about 22 kilotons. No recognizable bits of the LSM-60 were ever located.

 Posted by at 7:21 pm
Sep 122021


Imagine if *half* the effort that the idiot rioters and insurrectionists went through to disrupt life and burn down buildings all through 2020 went to actually *fixing* problems. How many of these poor benighted souls might not now be stuck  in the ruined lives they’re living?

If your city has an area that looks even remotely like this and the city spends so much as a *nickle* on CRT or 1619 or Pride Parades… fire your entire city government.


 Posted by at 10:07 am