Sep 232021

PV put out a video yesterday showing an “FDA official” making some dumb statements. Specifically, the dude said over and over AND OVER how he wanted to use “blow darts” to vaccinate people. He said “blow dart” so many times it seemed like he must be on the payroll of Big Blow Dart and gets a commission every time he says it.

OK, fine, whatever. The video is amusing enough, I suppose, especially since the “FDA official” is sort of a particular cliche. But as far as I can tell…. he’s pretty much a nobody, an FDA “economist.” Of less direct importance than a public school teacher, someone who has daily direct contact with vulnerable and suggestible victims.

The guy getting exposed here displays a whole lot of awful, but he’s just some powerless nobody spouting off his hatred of those who disagree with him. It’s entirely possible that people in greater positions of power and influence hold similar views; it would have been better to get *them* on camera saying such vitriolic nonsense.

Still, the guy is a hateful loon. And when you have such fascistic ideas about using force and violence upon the average citizen, you should maybe consider not being such a dick. And if you *are* such a dick, and you speak with that particular…. let’s call it “soy-infused”… style, you’ve got to prepare for some blow (dart) back.

Plus, I imagine there was some of this in his life (and more to come):

Still… PV, if you want to make a real difference, stick to people of greater actual importance. Directors, elected officials, teachers, administrators. Cube-dwellers… not so much.

 Posted by at 4:45 pm