Aug 292010

One cat in particular, at any rate: Fingers. I found an old spray bottle of “essense of catnip” that I never did anything with. I sprayed in on some scrap papr… neither Fingers nor Koshka had any use for it. But Raedthinn *kinda* seemed to like it. So, I did what any red-blooded, gun-totin’, nuclear-rocket-designin’ American would do: I sprayed some of in on the ribs of Fingers the cat. Apart from being alarmed at being sprayed, she didn’t have much reaction to it. But Raedthinn *loved* it, and spent several minutes licking it off Fingers’ fur.

This, of course, pleased Fingers to no end.



 Posted by at 1:21 am

  6 Responses to “I figured out how to make a cat happy”

  1. That’s a happy cat

  2. I’ve never seen a look like that on a cat’s face before.


  3. Raed’s got the magic toungue!

    Classic, never seen that either

  4. most of my cats dont react to catnip iwonder why?

  5. Remember that deviated prevert homosexual cat that showed up at your place a few months back?
    This is how that thing’s descent into moral destruction began…some damn liberal out on the east coast had two male cats, and decided to see what would happen if he sprayed one’s genitals with catnip essence.
    Next thing you knew it ran off for San Fransisco, passing by your place on the way.

  6. Scot Lowther AKA The Cat Pimp! 🙂

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