Aug 292010

And on the opposite end of the ligfhtness scale from the previous posting, here, watch this Five Second Film:

This problem will arise someday. Let’s just hope it’s some day soon.

And then there’s this:

 Posted by at 12:55 pm

  6 Responses to “Snack Time”

  1. Awesome.


  2. That’s the best link to the funniest site ever posted by mankind. If the FBI is monitoring your posts and follows that link they will be stopped dead in their tracks in an endless cycle of repeatedly clicking on the right arrow to see what’s next.

    the World’s Funniest Joke comes to mind

  3. Two thumbs up from me, and four from my cat.

  4. At the risk of being a pedantic technical bore, may I point out that in the first link, the snack should not have fallen down at all, because any downward motion would be caused by gravity? Also, a very simple solution would be to create an air current to make the snack float in the appropriate direction 🙂

  5. Now, if’n ya wanted to be a *real* pedantic bore, you woulda noted that the snack in question starts off as “Rold Gold” (an actual brand), but the moment it moves it changes to “Gold Rold.”

    I got a kick out of the “Nnn Chips” and the “Pheetos.” The “Donios” and the “ays,” meh.

    And here’s another one that prit near made me wet myself:

  6. How long will it be before ad agencies catch on to this..


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