Jun 272010

While nowhere near back up to standard specifications, I seem to be on the mend. The chills still come around, but absolutely *nothing,* in terms of intensity or duration, like they were a few days ago. However, most of the rest of the time I continue to sweat buckets.

This has been *exhausting.* Not to mention unprofitable.

 Posted by at 7:30 am

  3 Responses to “Recovery”

  1. Here is a question I wonder if you have been asked. Do you have central air conditioning? A window/wall mount unit? If yes, how long since the ducts and air plenum have been cleaned? Just changing the filters is not quite enough, all kinds of nasties build up inside the air moving segments of them, and that means furnace, too. If you use a window/wall mount type you should clean out the evaporator tray. All kinds of mold and mildew and whatnot grows in them.

    Your illness could be based in contaminates in those kind of air systems. And no, I am not going to use those two words that CDC used to throw the entire country into a panic back 1980. I’m just sayin’.

  2. And DON”T hire some overpriced yahooo to clean them. You got a shop vac and you can buy Lysol spray. Don’t let anyone bullshit you, that is as good as anything a “professional” will use, and far cheaper.

  3. Welcome back.

    I was reminded by my Other Half (nice girl; selective memory sometimes) that I reported the same sort of thing when I started to work at a hospital. My ailment included diarrhea, which is not a recommended addition to any activity at work. The nurses, when told about it after I was out of four days of the first ten of the job, giggled a lot and said it was “hospital plague” and everyone got it. I was not comforted — but everyone tells me I expect too much.

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