Jun 272010


A fluff piece about Star Trek fans in Riverside, Iowa. Yawn. But where it reaches Spectacular Epic FAIL is in the caption to the photo that leads off the article:

Bryan Detamortore, of Indianapolis, raises his drink as he portrays a Cling On Star Trek character named, “K’Rad Zanti Makura” during the TrekFest costume contest in Riverside on Saturday, June 26, 2010 as he is rooted on by Cling Ons Dennis Cox (back center) and Adrienne LeBlanc (back right), both of Ottumwa. After the parade there was a Star Trek character costume contest, followed by an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most people gathered in one place dressed as Star Trek characters. The official record that had been previously set was 99 – and the final count in Hall Park on Saturday was 153. (Julie Koehn/SourceMedia Group News)

Cling Ons?

I’m not sure which is worse: an editor who doesn’t know what a “Klingon” is, or an editor who relies too heavily on a spell-checker that doesn’t know what a “Klingon” is.

 Posted by at 4:21 pm

  2 Responses to “Editorial Spell-Check FAIL”

  1. It’s a terminally-lazy editor, whatever the cause of the error.

    ST is pretty much in the past now, for most of them out there. I suspect the writer just didn’t know how to spell it, and gave up.

    But it did give me another chance to shake my head and say, “Some days it looks like I woke up on the wrong planet.”

  2. That patak should be fed to a targ, but it would no doubt reject such a worthless piece of flesh.

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