Jun 252010

My hopes that this little medical adventure was coming to an end on its own have turned out to be premature. So, off I go. Hopefully not for too long and hopefully I’ll get some clear answers as to just what the hell is attacking my system. Until then – hours or days, who knows – feel free to discuss among yourself. A suggested topic: “Who can donate the largest lump-sum?”

UPDATE: I’m home. Finally got a diagnosis… “community acquired bronchitis.” More pertinantly, I got a shot of some sort of go-juice and a prescription of antibiotics. Theoretically, I should be feeling better within 24 hours.

As mentioned before, I had bronchitis a *lot* when I was in California. And the symptoms were *nothing* like this (mostly just gooey lungs. Bleah.). So… shrug.

I cannot stress the psycho-somatic value of having a doctor look at you, give you a pretty complete inspection, and say, “Oh, yeah, I know what this is.” While physically I feel much the same as before (hammered dogshit), it’s a hell of a stress reliever.

“It’s not a toomah!”

 Posted by at 7:32 am

  21 Responses to “Hospital”

  1. Hospitals are full of nurses! Girl nurses! Girls love to take care of men. You’re a man and you’re in a hospital. This is an opportunity.

    (I used to work in a hospital. I spent two years designing work schedules for nurses. I was already married, but got some interesting offers. I admit, however, that some of the women were dog-ugly.)

  2. Hang in there dude.

  3. Good Luck. Remember the cats need you!

  4. The only good part of this is that you’re going to get well. And that’s all that’s really important.

    Does “community-acquired” mean “I don’t know where it came from”? Or dies it mean everyone has it and you just happened to get it bad?

  5. >? Does “community-acquired” mean “I don’t know where it came from”?

    I think so. The other option seems to be “got it in a hospital.”

  6. Hope you get better soon — If not, I’ll sue your ghost for more Aerospace Project Review issues!!!


    Rest, fluids, blankey — these are your friends!

  7. Get better soon!

  8. What Kelly said! and hoping you get better soon.
    Hmmm, though come to think of it, you do have a “community” of cats… Could this be their latest experimentl procedure on you? Hmmmm…


  9. wish a good recovery

  10. Agreed on the psychosomathic part, been there, done that.

    Take care and get well.

  11. Glad to hear it is not a toomah, those are like a shop vac, suck and blow. As for “community acquired”, that is fancy doctor speak for you just got sick, patient dude, here’s your bill, NEXT.

    I can tell you from experience that having had bronchitis on a semi chronic basis you are now susceptible to having it again, pretty much permanently. Yea. I know. Cap’n Buzzkill to the rescue. And most likely the originator for this bout was allergens and dust in the lovely spring air. You know? All those damned plants fornicating and whatnot.

    Get rest and plenty of fluids, non-alcoholic fluids, and do the full set of anti-biotics. More people screw up there immune systems by monkeying around and only taking part of it. DO IT ALL.

  12. I was reading up on it on the web, and they say that a lot of times it goes hand-in-hand with having the flu, so that might account for the rest of your symptoms.
    You mentioned sometime back that you thought it might be related to the cats; anything new on that front?
    I had a friend who kept getting nasty lung infections, and in his case I think it was due to a really musty basement that had poor air circulation plus possible mold from previous flooding of that basement.

  13. > you are now susceptible to having it again

    I’m aware. As I mentioned elsewhere, I had chronic bronchitis virtually the whole time I was in California. Stopped almost the instant I moved to Utah. The California bronchitis, however, had a whole different set of symptoms than the Utah bronchitis.

    > cats; anything new on that front

    So far, all doctors have denied the possibility.

  14. Son

    It is nice to see that they are some people out there who care if you get better.


  15. I picked it up one year from a friend of mine during the winter months
    and he has been prone to get it a lot. It’s possible too that you might
    have gotten it from a carrier if you know what I mean.

  16. Good news.
    Best of luck!
    Hope you recover soon.
    You have the best “guards” to take care of you.
    Here is why.
    Ten years ago I fell into a trap, believing my work was important. A lunar probe program (SMART-!). While I was knocked out ,”seeing a lot of men in kleen white coats”, my cat “Rasmus” always stayed closed by, never leaving my, but for a few minutes. He was so worried that he developed an ulser, and when I came through, I have to go to the vet, and my hospital. leaving with a prescribition for Losec for the cat, and Prozac for me
    Makes me wonder…
    My cats can read me.
    I can not understand even when they “talk” to me.
    I, beeing a member of homo sapiens (verifiied by DNA) am supposed to be a member of the most intelligent species on earth, but when our cats gather round me a my wife, and give comments to our performance during the day with different sounds of purr, I am not so sure.

  17. Futurama did help a little, I guess?

    …Get well, Scott, bunch of people missing your posts

  18. When I did check up on the relationship between cats and bronchitis, I was surprised what I found…
    You would expect some sort of relationship between cat owners and bronchitis – that the influence of cat hair, dandruff, or feces had on them in regards to bacterial infections of the lungs by inhalation…but the result was the reverse… cat bronchitis infections seem a lot more of a problem than those among their owners.

  19. Get well soon, Scott! Hope the hospital food isn’t too bad!

  20. Scott did you consider that your Califonria “chronic bronchitis” could possibly be Allergy or something like that?

    I have a long history of Allergy and often it take the shape of a sort of “permanent bronchitis” wtih similiar simpotms….

    BTW I hope you get well soon buddy.

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