Jan 222023

Note that this was a “voluntary” search, not a “raid.” Which means there had been time and opportunity to dispose of things, and yet the FBI *still* found classified material.


FBI searches Biden’s Wilmington home and finds more classified materials

the DOJ “requested that the search not be made public in advance, in accordance with its standard procedures, and we agreed to cooperate.”


if only other people had been afforded the same privilege.


 Posted by at 9:49 am
Jan 222023

A YouTube video discussing the time between the cancellation of Star Trek and The Motion Picture. It would be an era unimaginable to fans of a just-cancelled franchise today: back then, you either saw the showed when it aired, or you didn’t. Until it hit syndication, there was for all intents and purposes no way for someone to see the show. All you had were your memories, the verbal descriptions from others, the occasional magazine article, and a series of novelizations of the episodes. There was no renting an episode on tape at Blockbuster, no buying the DVD, no streaming it online. A few might have access to crappy films.


And yet… when the first Star Trek Convention was held in 1972, the place was swamped, and attendance only grew from there. It was an analog IRL experience unlike anything possible today. On the one hand it was lean, dark times, with limited resources and opportunities; on the other hand, it led to fandoms and communities of a kind impossible today. There is value in rarity, I suppose. People value that which they have to work for.


A post from a few years ago with a Star trek Convention film shot in 1976.

 Posted by at 5:58 am
Jan 212023

Virginia boy who shot teacher Abigail Zwerner told another he was going to set her on fire

The *six* year old who shot his teacher a while back seems to have been a real charmer.  He had a history of being someone who should have been drop-kicked out of a public school classroom directly into a “facility” of some kind. And of course the bureaucracy was cool with that behavior:

School downplayed warnings about 6-year-old before teacher’s shooting, staffers say

On one occasion, the boy wrote a note telling a teacher he hated her and wanted to light her on fire and watch her die, according to the teacher’s account. Alarmed, the teacher brought the note to the attention of Richneck administrators and was told to drop the matter, according to the account. … On a second occasion, the boy threw furniture and other items in class, prompting students to hide beneath their desks, according to the account. Another time, the teacher alleges in her account, the boy barricaded the doors to a classroom, preventing a teacher and students from leaving.


Yeah, no. Kids such as that do *not* belong in society. Further evidence:


“Our son suffers from an acute disability and was under a care plan at the school that included his mother or father attending school with him and accompanying him to class every day. Additionally, our son has benefitted from an extensive community of care that also includes his grandparents working alongside us and other caregivers to ensure his needs and accommodations are met. The week of the shooting was the first week when we were not in class with him. We will regret our absence on this day for the rest of our lives.”

If the parents have to not only accompany the kid to school but *stay* there with him… school ain’t the place for him.

When I was that kids age, my family had a pet St. Bernard. Great dog, as my faint and vague memory serves, but he started to act like maybe he was sick. In the end, my parents sent him to go “live on a farm.” Perhaps a similar sort of farm can be found for kids like this. Because installing him within classrooms:

1) Endangers teachers

2) Endangers other kids

3) Damages the other kids education

4) Costs excessive resources

5) Doesn’t benefit *anybody* including the monster child in question.


There is no rational or valid reason for putting threats like this in a classroom. If you would not put a rabid racoon in a classroom, why a psychopath?

The stupid, strong
Unteachable monsters are certain to be victorious at last,
And every man of decent blood is on the losing side.
Take as your model the tall women with yellow hair in plaits
Who walked back into burning houses to die with men,
Or him who as the death spear entered into his vitals
Made critical comments on its workmanship and aim.

 Posted by at 11:29 pm
Jan 212023

Billy the cat spent a good long while in quarantine. He started off with a pretty bad upper respiratory infection, treated with antibiotics; this took more than a week to clear up. He also had ear mites, treated with drops. He only left quarantine and entered gen pop on Wednesday.


Billy is quite aggressively friendly with me, increasingly friendly with other humans. But Banshee, true to form, absolutely loses her mind when she sees him, shrieking, growling, hissing. This has unsettled the other cats; even Buttons, normally absolutely chill, has been spooked. Billy, for his part, hisses at the other cats if they get too close. This will, no doubt, work itself out in time. But the one I really kinda feel bad for is Speedbump: he and Billy are both mostly black cats, most readily discerned by Billys oranger eyes and smaller size. But Banshee seems unable to tell them apart and loses her mind at Speedbump. This upsets him, as he has become reasonably friendly with Banshee.


Here’s Billy helpfully holding down some papers:

Billy has filled out a lot in the weeks I’ve had him. It seems eating on a regular basis appeals to him.


 Posted by at 11:22 pm
Jan 212023

Filming pistol rounds hitting a steel plate at 250,000 frames per second. Interesting detail: almost all impacts generate a flash. Since the bullets are lead or lead and copper and the steel plate is almost undamaged, it seems the flash is probably air being compressed to incandescence between hammer and anvil rather than superheated bits of metal sparking.


 Posted by at 7:46 pm
Jan 212023

Below, a twitter thread discussing a recent increase in the appearance of air defense systems in and around Moscow, including Vlad Putin;s digs. The optimistic way of looking at this: every missile placed near Russia is a missile not placed near Ukraine. The pessimistic outlook: you generally don;t go to this kind of bother and expense to take weapons systems *away* from an ongoing conflict unless you have a reason to. It seems the Russians seem to think that the conflict is going to expand to aircraft attacking Moscow. Do they think the Ukrainians are going to do that? Or are they expecting NATO to do that? if so, keep in mind that the excuses being used include “it was a pre-emptive strike against Ukraine because they were going to attack *us.*”


Another possibility is they’re afraid of elements of the Russian Air Force deciding to go a wee bit off mission.

 Posted by at 5:44 am
Jan 202023

Los Angeles hit-and-run driver who plowed into mom and baby in stolen car is murdered after light sentence

In August 2021, then-15-year-old Kristopher Baca stole a car, ran into a mother and her baby in a stroller, then drive away and struck a truck. Baca was, at the time, out on parole for *poisoning* a girl’s drink. He was then given a few months in a “diversion camp.”


Hmm. He tried to poison one girl, then stole a car, tried to run over a young mother and her baby, then fled the scene… and all he got out of it from the Los Angeles justice system was a few months in camp. Huh. Color me stunned that a couple days ago he got himself gunned down in the street, because he sure sounds like a real winner, a prince among men, an avatar of moral virtue and common sense. He *should* have been locked away for a term of some years after the poisoning, but actually punishing criminals is not something D-cities are really into.


The video at the link above is worth watching: there are some genuinely good people on display there, alongside the oxygen thief. The truck driver, in particular… I *hope* that not only did his/her insurance company not screw him/her over, but in fact gave him/her a new truck with roo bars.


The video in the link below shows the aftermath. A passenger from the offending car is hopping around (he’s got a pre-broken leg in a cast) while the driver is still in the car and people are gathered around… and one witness is *really* PE’ed. He lays into both the passenger and the driver with threats and profanity and red rage bordering on insanity… and I’m all there for it. I don’t know if the guy is the truck driver, but he is *really* angry… and every last bit of that is deserved. If the same passion had been displayed by the prosecutors after Baca tried to poison someone, he would still be in the graybar hotel and still alive… and that mother and her child wouldn’t have been injured by a jackass in astolen car. But at least he’s dead now, and that’s for the best from all evidence.


Guy goes insane after witnessing a hit and run of a baby in a stroller

 Posted by at 11:56 pm
Jan 202023

I just sent files to the print shop to get transparencies of two new cyantypes. One will be a pair of 18X24 SR-71 CAD drawings by yours truly, and one will be a 12X38 vintage USS Monitor diagram. I kinda plan on doing a range of ships and submarines, based on vintage blueprints and Booklets of General Plans, if they prove popular. If interested in these, or interested in suggestions something, let me know.

 Posted by at 8:30 pm
Jan 202023

There is a fan-built replica of the original USS Enterprise set – the whole ship, at least as built in the 1960’s – in Georgia. These sets were used for the filming of the “Star Trek Continues” fan films, and they look convincingly like the originals.


There are two such complete sets… this one, and one in New York. Every kid who was a fan of this show in the 60’s, 70’s and into the 80’s would have killed to have a set like this… at least the captains chair. I imagine there are a lot of folks who want a set of the Enterprise D bridge, probably some Voyager fans. But can anyone really suggest that, fifty years from now, fans of Star Trek Discovery will have recreated the sets from that show in a warehouse somewhere for their own fan films, offering daily tours to paying customers? I suspect not: not just because the show sucks, but because the sets are bleh and soulless… and if anyone wants to do fan films of STD, they’ll likely just work in front of a green screen and CGI-in the sets.


I do wonder if the builders for either of these Enterprise sets could make a decent business out of selling replicas of the captains chair, navigation, the science station, perhaps even occasionally the complete bridge. I suspect there are legal issues that would stand in their way, but if not, I don’t doubt that there are a number of fans with a lot of money and a lot of floorspace who’d happily pay for their own little bit of the Enterprise.

 Posted by at 6:19 pm
Jan 192023

I recently had a disturbing online conversation with a Russian aeronautical expert on the subject of Ukraine. One can reasonably expect a Russian will have a different point of view on the subject than a westerner would… but this was an *experience.* In short: It’s good and proper that Russia exterminate the Ukrainian people, because their culture, history and identity don’t exist; they’re a fiction, it’s all part of Russia and Russias destiny to retake that plot of land. “The history of Ukraine began with the betrayal in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in 1991 and will end in 2023.” Any who stand against the Russians goals deserve death and the nuking of western/NATO cities would be a small price to pay for Russia reclaiming it’s former empire.




And of course one of the main excuses for why the “special military operation” is a wonderful thing? The need to get rid of all the Nazis in Ukraine. Ukraine, under the leadership of a democratically elected feller who I understand to be a Jew, is somehow being controlled by Nazis. Uh-huh. After years of weirdo whackaloons here in the west constantly banging on about fascists and Nazis – by which they mean anyone with politics to the right of FDR – I have no sympathy for Russians bleating on about Nazis. Especially when *this* is who the Russians are sending into battle against the Ukrainian people:





It’s bad enough that Russian leadership is clearly bugnuts, but that this has seeped out into the general populace is unnerving. I was told that Putin is felt to be too soft on the west, and: “If Kadyrov becomes president, the whole world will remember the beautiful and humane Vladimir Vladimirovich with tears.


There have been more and more reports that NATO countries are running out of weapons and ammo. Again, this is both good and bad news. The bad is obvious. But the good is that the West is figuring this out *now* while our economies are still running and our factories are still standing. If the relatively tiny amount of ordnance the west is sending to Ukraine is drying up western armories… that’s a damned good sign that we need to start stocking up in a serious way.

 Posted by at 11:00 pm