Jan 242023

So Musk bought Twitter and laid off something like half the workforce… and Twitter *promptly* failed to implode. It seems to be functioning just fine, indicating that the bulk of those canned were not vital to the operation of the company. Now Google and Meta and a bunch of other tech companies are going through massive rounds of layoffs. Will this bring those companies low? There is no reason to assume that Twitter was uniquely loaded with dead weight. In fact, the “influencers” who work at the various tech companies and produce videos of their days certainly indicate that those companies can certainly afford to shed a lot of useless employees and not suffer in the slightest.

Behold Yet Another “day in the life” video that revolved not around actually accomplishing anything, but luxury and eating and eating and eating…

Now, it’s always possible that she was a diligent hard worker who daily added value. But it’s interesting that that aspect of her day got less attention than one snack.


Also of potential interest: here’s her TikTik page. Description: “life, outfits & personal growth journey.” Nothing about actually *accomplishing* anything. Lots of videos of her trying on new bits of clothes or lounging somewhere. Vapid, empty, soulless. The amount of money spent on new outfits seems likely to be immense. Does the TikTok thing bringing in income? I dunno, maybe. Perhaps she’s making buckets of cash through these meaningless videos; if so, good for her. But the skills and abilities needed for that – being an adequate clothes horse – seem wholly unrelated to doing a job at a technology company. Scrolling down and glancing at the videos, none of them seem to display any interest or enthusiasm for coding.

 Posted by at 10:07 pm