Search Results : shuttle

Feb 072010

Recently released is a home movie taken some 70 miles from the launch site.

Optometrist Dr. Jack Moss, however, was playing with his new Betamax camcorder that chilly January morning, and recorded the sad event from his front yard in Winter Haven, Florida, about 70 miles southwest of Cape Canaveral.

Moss had never shared the tape with the media or NASA, but a week before he died this past December, he fished it out of his attic and handed it over to the Space Exploration Archive, a non-profit organization in Louisville, Kentucky. The Archive transferred the video to digital formats and released it to the public domain in time for the 24th anniversary of the disaster this past week.

The distance gives it a perspective I’ve not seen before.

For those of you younguns to young to remember Challenger, it was… a hell of a thing. The Shuttle program was still young enough, and the whole Teacher In Space interesting enough, that many schoolkids across the nation were plopped in front of TVs to watch it. I, however, was not one of those… I was in history class. But when it happened, someone in the main office has the presence of mind to turn the PA system on and put the mike next to a TV. When we heard “the Shuttle has exploded,” the history teacher made no effort to stop three or four of us who bolted out the door, heading to the library (the one place where we knew there was a TV). As memory serves, I managed to maintain composure until I got home that afternoon, whereupon all pretence of emotional control failed me utterly.

History occasionally tosses those “You’ll always remember where you were when…” events at you. For me there are three… Challenger, Columbia, 9/11. Earlier generations had MLK/JFK/RFK assassinations, Pearl Harbor, the Moon landing, Hindenburg, VE and VJ Days. Seems like the majority of such events are Bad News, or, at best, the End Of Bad News. Few enough are Amazingly Good Events.

 Posted by at 2:03 am
Feb 072010

Bad journalism is not restricted to American journalism. Gentlemen, behold!

British astronaut Nicholas Patrick prepares for Nasa space launch

Final preparations are under way to launch British astronaut Nicholas Patrick and five colleagues to the International Space Station, on one of the last Nasa shuttle missions.
Nasa‘s long-haul exploration goals…
… the Nasa workforce …
… the head of Nasa
… subsequent direction for Nasa
… The head of Nasa

What. The. Hell. Is… “Nasa?” Is it perhaps something like “NASA?” If so, Nasa is to NASA what the Raf is to the RAF.


Anyway, the best part of the article:

One sign posted by workers at an entrance to Kennedy Space Centre yesterday accused Mr Obama of betraying a campaign promise to preserve America’s space programme. “Obama lied. Nasa died,” it said.

 Posted by at 1:03 am
Feb 062010

A bit of artwork published in 1988 (possibly dating from before) showing a Titan IV variant or derivative with three SRBs rather than the usual two SRMs:


Those certainly look like Shuttle booster rockets to me, indicating that the core is probably larger in diameter than the standard Titan core. Probably four rocket engines on the core rather than the usual two.

Of course, Titans with larger cores and extra boosters were not new ideas, even in 1988. See, for example, the “Titan 2+2” from 1965.

UPDATE: since this was originally posted, more information on this design came to light, and was used for “US Launch Vehicle Projects #3.”

 Posted by at 11:37 am
Feb 012010

In short, Ares 1, Ares V, Orion all cancelled. Shuttle to end after five more flights, ISS to drag on for a few more years – requiring Russians to fly Americans, since we won’t have a means of getting to orbit ourselves.

<> Yes, Constellation was behind schedule and over budget. But now it’s cancelled… meaning all the money spent was *wasted,* and all the time spent was *wasted.* And unless the entepreneurs really step up, or if the USAF has something secret hidden away somewhere, this is pretty much the end of the road for American manned spaceflight.

 Posted by at 10:31 am
Jan 302010

A number of years ago, there was a World Science Fiction Convention in San Jose, CA. As I lived near there, I decided to go. One of the most memorable sessions – to me at any rate – was a panel discussion scheduled on spacecraft design for SF authors. Sadly, what made it memorable was that the panel discussed, instead, office politics and such regarding the Cassini probe, annoying the hell out of the crowd (who wanted to know how to design warp drives and the like). It was then that I decided that a book on the topic needed to be written, and I launched into it. And I made reasonably good progress, too, getting somewhere over 100 pages of text before:

A) I kinda got distracted by moving and job change
B) I discovered a number of websites out there, such as this one, that did a good job on the topic already.

As a result, the whole idea just dried up and blew away. Hell, it’s been years since I even thought of it, until some other discussions brought it back up. But I guess it might be worth doing still… a book written for the halfway intelligent layman, interested in science fiction spacecraft design. But SF spacecraft grounded in real physics. Launch vehicles, interplanetary spacecraft, starships, planetary landers, weapons systems, atmospheric propulsion systems, spacecraft propulsion systems, power systems, thermal control, life support, basic aerodynamics, basic “space-odynamics,” basic orbital mechanics, materials, all that stuff, all described and shown how to be utilized accurately for a multitude of different technology levels. How the Victorians might have gone to space. How we could conquer Mars. How the Truman administration could have settled on the Moon. What might be available in a century, and how to describe what might be available in a millenium without undue magical handwaving. Math included, but nothing too mind-numbing (no friggen’ calculus. I hate calculus.) Additionally, the relevant parts would be illustrated graphically, showing what the systems would actually look like… which is often quite different from how Hollywood imagines.

As an example, here’s the beginning of the section on antimatter (from a file I dug out of long-term storage, last updated in 2004). Some notes… this is a first draft, far from finished, lots of editting to do, and the “XXX’s” denote “insert data to be looked up HERE,” not rocket-porn. Let me know what you think.

An Antimatter Primer

As science fiction writers and readers know, rocket fuels don’t get much better than antimatter. Antimatter is, as far as physicists have been able to determine, just like normal matter, except that the charges on the particles are reversed. There appears to be an anti-particle for every particle known… anti-protons and positrons being the particles of greatest interest here. Where this is important is that since the charges of a proton and an anti-proton are reversed, they will attract each other (whereas protons repel each other), and, upon contact, they destroy each other and liberate surprising quantities of energy as related by E=MC². This is two orders of magnitude more energy released per kilogram than is done by nuclear fission reactions and about XXX more energy released per kilogram than by chemical reactions.

For antimatter based rocketry, the antiproton and the positron are the particles to pay attention to. Each proton is about 1800 times more massive than each electron; the same mass ratio applies for antiprotons and positrons, thus the energy density is vastly higher for an antiproton system than for a positron system. The functionally best systems will be those based on anti-hydrogen… while antiprotons will always remain a very low-density cloud of plasma (and positrons even more tenuous), anti-hydrogen will be far denser and easier to deal with in bulk. Clearly anti-hydrogen cannot be manipulated with pipes and pumps as hydrogen can, but it can, with effort and skill, be physically manipulated with magnetic fields.

Anti-hydrogen is the highest up the antimatter periodical table that can be realistically imagined for anything remotely resembling the near future. In order to produce anti-helium, two anti-hydrogen atoms would need to be fused together, and to make useful quantities of the stuff, a vast number of such fusions would be required. This would, obviously, require a very good fusion reactor with absolute control over every particle within it. We have not yet produced a decent hydrogen-based fusion reactor, and an anti-hydrogen fusion reactor would be much more complex. Worse yet, anti-helium would not buy the users much. It would be far more difficult to freeze to a solid and manipulate than would be anti-hydrogen; consequently, it would be a low-density cold gas… lower density by far than anti-hydrogen ice. To get to something really valuable, further fusion still would be required… and we simply have no good idea how to do that even with normal matter. For all practical purposes, barring some rather startling discoveries, the existence of anti-aluminum, say, or anti-iron will have to be predicated on the notion of finding a large lump of it floating in deep, low-dust space (which would be a startling enough discovery).

Anti-hydrogen is known to exist in the natural world, but the known sources are quasars and exploding galaxies many millions or billions of lightyears away. Antimatter needs to be manufactured. And it has been; the principles on how to make the stuff are well know. The process is, however, vastly inefficient, required many XXX times more energy input than the antimatter could ever unleash. Antimatter production today is spectacularly expensive, with estimates of $XXX per microgram of anti-protons. The cost is, however, decreasing; current production is entirely experimental, not true production line work; and it is safe to assume that new inventions and discoveries will improve the cost by several to many orders of magnitude.

And fortunately, the cost of antimatter does not need to drop to anything remotely like the cost of conventional materials in order for it to become cost competitive. A single stage launch vehicle with the payload capacity of the Space Shuttle would require only a few tons of water and 35 (xxx?) milligrams of antimatter to attain the same orbit.

As mentioned a little earlier, the antiproton and the positron are the two antiparticles of greatest interest for antimatter-based propulsion systems. There are other antiparticles, such as antinuetrons, but they would be even more difficult to manufacture and deal with, and would provide no advantages The physics of the different annihilation reactions will be described. Remember, the reader does not necessarily need to have all of this explained to him or her, any more than a reader of a novel that includes a jetliner needs to have the physics of high temperature multi-stage turbine combustors explained.

Proton-antiproton annihilation reactions do not produce the “pure energy” so often mentioned in science fiction, but instead release a small blizzard of lesser, but very energetic, particles. Specifically, the typical reaction will produce an average of 1.6 π0 mesons (or pion, without electrical charge) and 1.6 charged π+ mesons and 1.6 π- mesons (a pion with either a positive or negative electrical charge). These pions will both be moving at relativistic speeds. The combination of the rest mass of the particles (140 MeV for the charged pions and 135 MeV for the π0 meson) and their kinetic energy (about 252 MeV per pion) gives a total energy release of 1876 MeV (or about 3E-10 Joules). But the reactions aren’t over. The neutral pion nearly immediately (90 attoseconds) decays into two gamma rays with an energy of about 200 MeV each. The charged pions decay in about 70 nanoseconds (a range of about 21 meters in free space, as the pions are moving at about 94% lightspeed) to a neutrino and an unstable charged muon. The neutrino carries off about 22% of the charged pion energy; and given that there is no known way to capture neutrinos in numbers even remotely useful, this energy can be considered as lost. The muon in turn decays within 6.2 microseconds (or a range of more than a kilometer and a three quarters in free space) into two neutrinos and either an electron and a positron. Again, the neutrino energy is lost. The positrons can be expected to react with the electrons from other reactions (or with electrons in engine structures or propellants), giving off two 0.511 MeV gamma rays. The end result is that approximately 50% of the energy of an unintercepted proton:antiproton reaction will be forever lost as neutrinos.

The distance charged pions travel prior to decay is larger than most foreseeable rocket engines, and the gamma rays from the neutral pion can also be intercepted by a material structure of some type. Gamma rays are intercepted by material structures with exponential attenuation, which means that if one centimeter of, say, lead will absorb 90% of the gamma rays, another centimeter will absorb 90% of the remaining gamma rays, another centimeter will absorb 90% of the gamma rays that got through the first two centimeters, and so on. A further, more detailed discussion of gamma ray shielding is in the XXX chapter. While this means that modest increases in shield/heat exchanger thickness will greatly reduce the gamma ray flux, mathematically the gamma rays are never entirely blocked. Charged pions are a different story. They are not exponentially attenuated, but instead have definite ranges within certain materials, depending upon the kinetic energy of the pions. While gamma rays are eventually stopped by impacting atomic nuclei, the pions lose kinetic by excitation of the electrons of the atoms they move through.

It has been found that a cylinder of tungsten 28 centimeters in diameter and 28 centimeters in length would, if the proton:antiproton reaction were occurring in its geometric center, absorb virtually all of the initial 200MeV gamma rays, as well as the charged pions (by absorbing them prior to their decay, the energy that would have gone into neutrinoes is retained). This absorbed radiation can be used in a number of ways for propulsion, generally to transfer energy to a working fluid. Unfortunately, the absorption of the pions by the tungsten is through collisions with nuclei, with the result that not only is the pions energy absorbed by the tungsten, but the tungsten becomes a neutron emitter. The tungsten becomes radioactive (though not as bad as a nuclear rocket).

It is of course possible that some technology could be invented that would in some way utilize the energy otherwise lost through the neutrinos. But there is as yet no theoretical justification for such a system, and there are ways of utilizing the charged pions directly for thrust prior to their decay.

In contrast, electron:positron reactions are much simpler… and have in fact already been described. The reaction gives off two 0.511 MeV gamma rays; these gamma rays are much more readily absorbed than are the pions.

 Posted by at 8:48 pm
Jan 272010

Rumors are reports are that the State of the Union speech, along with the forthcoming budget, will cut all funding not only for the Ares I launcher, but also the Ares V and the whole Constellation/Orion CEV program. With the end of the Shuttle program this year, that leaves the US with no way to send humans into space… likely for a decade or longer (Ares I began half a decade ago, and was about half a decade from first manend flight). With luck, the commercial sector (SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Xcor, etc.) will be able to take over. But the commerical human-launch sector is based pretty much wholly on the hope of space tourism. And space tourism is probably a pretty flighty sort of industry. And what will happen to space tourism if the US government withdraws entirely from space? Will the interest among America’s investors to go to space increase, or decrease? Damned if I know.

 Posted by at 3:56 pm
Jan 202010

Found in the Glenn L Martin Aviation Museum archive was this bit of artwork showing a cutaway view of a lifting body. While similar in many respects to the X-23/X-24 lifting body geometry, it has a slightly different (pointier) nose, and a complete lack of the wings/outboard vertical stabilizers that characterized the X-23 shape.


With a total complement of 9, this would have carried more than the Space Shuttle ever did. Access from the passenger compartment to, presumably, a space station appears to have been through a hatch in the tail.

 Posted by at 9:24 am
Jan 112010


I recently downloaded a presentation from Hoppy Price of JPL and Alisa Hawkins/Torrey Radcliffe of the Aerospace Corporation describing “Austere Human Missions to Mars” (available as a PDF file HERE). Regardless of the other merits of the presentation, the illustrations… well… the illustrations made my tiny little brain cry.

Back in the 1950’s and 1960’s – you know, when there was actual progress in aerospace – aerospace companies and organizations had people on staff who were paid, skilled artists and draftsmen. Many of even the simplest presentations were thus filled with high-quality sketches, drawings, artwork, photos of scale models, etc. But in recent years, certainly since before my aerospace career began in the mid 90’s, there has been a consolidation of skills into a smaller and smaller group of people. I often heard tales of how the floor of the office was ringed with engineers on the outside, filled with draftsmen in the middle, and had secretaries/technical writers on the ends. The engineers would crunch the numbers, the draftsmen would make the drawings, the secretaries and writers would write up the reports (often using little more than random scribbles and scraps scrawled by the engineers). The system may have been unweildy and inefficient, but obviously it worked.

But with the rise of the personal computer, word processing programs and CAD programs, the apparent “need” for the non-engineers declined. Why have a draftsman when the engineer can do the drafting himself? Who needs a secretary when the engineer can do the writing himself?

Well, a few seconds of thought can show why the New Order Of Things might not be optimum. Basically, you’re taking specialists (engineers) who would normally spend 8 hours out of an 8 hour day brainifying engineering, and converting them into generalists who spend a much-reduced fraction of their day doing what they were trained to do. Worse, on the whole trained draftsmen are betters at drafting than engineers; good secretaries and technical writers are better and faster at writing than engineers. Thus, not only do the engineers spend less of their time doing engineering, the time spent doing Other Stuff is much less efficient than if that Other Stuff was done by Other Stuff specialists.

Compounding the problem is Powerpoint. Used to be, when you needed to make a presentation (typically based on transparencies for an overhead progrector, or even – GASP – slides) , you had your tech writers and draftsmen/artists on staff doing their thing. But then Powerpoint came along. Presentations were now easy to make. Powerpoint even came with an ultra-basic graphics package allowing anybody – no matter how artistically unskilled – to slap together illustrations that at least vaguely resembled whatever it was they were talking about. And so now that engineers could do the whole thing from beginning to end, it was just sorta assumed that they should do the whole thing from beginning to end. Great, fine, whatever. But as desirable as it may be for engineers to also be good artists… most aren’t. Powerpoint is a fantastic way to present text, data, charts and the like, and makes a perfectly good platform for the presentation of art and diagrams created via other means, but Powerpoint-created art is, well, lame.

Compare and contrast. Here are two illustrations from the “HYLEAP Management Progress Report, June-July 1964,” (which anyone interested can procure HERE):


And here are the Powerpoint illustrations from the recent Austere Human Missions to Mars presentation:





Note that the last illustration shows models of the Mars vehicles, apparently put together from toys.


In comparison, previous eras, when aerospace companies regularly employed model makers, saw stuff like this:




And yes, some companies still employ model makers, but it seems to be a dying part of the industry. United Technologies near San Jose, CA, used to have a dedicated model shop, and cranked out a wide variety of models to illustrate both built and unbuilt designs. But by the time I started working there in 2000, the model shop and all the model makers were a distant memory. When I worked at ATK, there was a grand total of one model maker, who was also the one painter/illustrator on staff. At both companies, most of the presentations I saw were horribly, horribly awful in terms of graphics. Now, I’m not saying that there’s a direct link between presentation graphics and company survival, but United Tech is now a bulldozed memory, and ATK, at least the Promontory facility, is laying people off and will probably lose the largest program there. Soon enough it will be a hobbyshop for rocketry.

The worst of it was, while at United Tech, a number of NASA engineers came for a meeting on the Shuttle RSRM Booster Separation Motor… and they used Powerpoint to calculate areas in a part by projecting clip art onto a wall and measuring dimensions with a ruler. I had to leave the room.

 Posted by at 1:28 pm
Jan 022010

As a followup to this, here’s the LS-200-10 Shuttle concept from 1971.


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 Posted by at 8:09 pm
Dec 232009

An alternative Shuttle design from 1971, this Lockheed configuration would be recycled two decades later for the Venture Star. Click to embiggenate.


This is pretty much exactly the sort of artistry one doesn’t see too much out of the aerospace industry anymore. Undoubtedly similar inboard profiles of conceptual designs are produced, but they are done on computers… and while that assures accuracy, it also loses something of the visual appeal.

Buy My Stuff, such as aerospace drawings and documents and Aerospace Projects Review. Or you could just Donate. For more posts like this, click on the Unwanted Blog header up top and then click on the “Projects” category to the right (or just click the “Projects” link to the right, if you happen to see it).

 Posted by at 6:40 pm