Jul 202020

Some interesting home-made belt-fed firearms.

First, a British belt-fed lever action rifle. It’s real heavy but it seems to work quite well; I wonder if, with a fair amount of ergonomiccs work (replacing aluminum with plastic, say), there might be a market:

And then there’s this full-auto belt-fed 12 gauge shotgun. When it runs, it looks like more fun than a barrel of rabid monkeys dumped into the middle of an Antifa protest. But the problem… well, you’ll see:

One of the YouTube commenters got it right when he suggested that with the right ammo this would make a pretty fair  Warhammer 40K “Bolter.”


And because why not, here’s a not-home-made belt fed firearm. If it all still works right after the first run, I’d be a little surprised. The cartridges and links getting shot out the side do a number on the blanket, and the suppressor ends up doing a fair impression of a light saber.

 Posted by at 4:42 pm
Jul 192020


Watch: Antifa Torch Portland Police Association, Break Into Federal Property, Threaten Police

For a group that doesn’t exist, Antifa is doing a dandy job of making the case *for* fascistic policing systems. Because what’s really needed here are some of the fictional technologies employed by the Judges in the universe of the Judge Dredd comic book. In particular: “riot foam.” Sprays out like fire-fighting foam, but within seconds sets up into a rock-hard solid that traps rioters in place. Somehow or other it’s “breathable” so that those trapped don’t suffocate. You then chip out rioters one at a time and process them.

Given that the insurrectionists here are using deadly weapons (thrown rocks, Molotov cocktails, clubs, etc.) as well as using green lasers for the purpose of causing permanent and irreversible retina damage, locking them up in riot foam for a few days while they are processed and sentenced to ten to twenty years in the FedPen, followed by deportation to their masters in China/Russia/wherever, seems like a good approach.

Antifa, like the Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea, is not only a fascist movement, they are actively agitating *for* fascism. When they gain power, such as in the CHAZ, they promptly set up authoritarian systems largely indistinguishable from fascist systems; and they have intentionally worked to make police-state tactics the *only* tactics to use against them. In places like Portland where Antifa has running dog lackeys and useful idiots in the local government who have held back the local police, Antifa and their Burn Loot Murder accomplices have simply run wild. Being nice to them, letting them have their way, has not worked.

Police state systems are never nice things to have and are generally to be avoided. Unfortunately they are sometimes necessary. Using them here is sadly becoming inevitable. The trick, of course, will be in reigning in the police state tactics after the insurrectionists are removed from society. Sadly, there isn’t much alternative, given that Antifa and their ilk are trying to  burn civilization to the ground across the western world. They are traitors to mankind, and such people have never been well managed by rational discourse and reasoned debate. Some of them, perhaps even most of them, could be deprogrammed by those skilled in the art of extracting young idiots from cultish ideologies… but before you can remove someones cult thinking, you have to physically remove them from the cult.


 Posted by at 4:48 pm
Jul 172020

I *presume* a lot of the rounds fired here missed. Otherwise… that guy musta been on something impressive to take that many shots to go down.

Like one of the YouTube commenters sez:

“11 shots till he fell, “why do we need high capacity magazines”. Just imagine 3 of him invading your home and re ask that question”

In case you might have the smallest shred of sympathy for the guy, here’s news coverage (note that the reporter doesn’t understand the difference between clearing a jam and reloading a weapon… sigh, this is the Fourth Estate, people):


 Posted by at 12:25 am
Jul 162020

Right at a year ago I posted some videos from a guy who welded two electric bicycles together to create an off-road wheelchair for his girlfriend. They are now about ready to go into production with a much refined version. Looks kinda slick. $4,750 is a fair chunk of change, but I suppose it’s not too bad compared to regular off-road electric wheelchairs, and it does seem to have a pretty good deal of zip to it. Might be of interest to those interested in such things.


One wonders if the fat bicycle tires could be replaced with wider-yet tires for sand & snow. And how difficult it would be to turn it into a treaded version. And LIFT FANS.

 Posted by at 9:05 pm
Jul 162020

Sometimes the way in which people dance around in order to avoid answering a question, answers the question. Such as here where the subject of slavery vs. employment results in many minutes of avoided the question “which is a happier society, the one with freedom or the one with slavery?”

This is what you get when someone believes something that they know society knows to be bunk. In this case the guy seems to believe that it’s just fine to enslave people because his religion tells him so… but the society in which he lives doesn’t believe that. But then, I wonder why he hesitates… it’s not like people are burning down and vandalizing *his* religious institutions, even though their support of slavery is much more recent – to the point of “right now, still” – than others who are getting attacked.

 Posted by at 8:38 pm