Oct 122020

As an update to THIS POST, I have added a 200 dpi scan of the Apollo CSM cutaway artwork I scored off eBay to the 2020-10 APR Extras Dropbox folder, available to all $4 and up APR Patrons and Monthly Historical Documents Program subscribers.

If this sort of thing is of interest, sign up either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program. If you know of someone who might be interested, be sure to nudge them this way… I could do with an infusion of new patrons/subscribers and as is blisteringly obvious I stink at marketing.

 Posted by at 2:34 pm
Oct 122020

Utah high school student bullied, spat on for wearing hat in support of President Trump

The 15-year old has apparently been going to a charter school, but made the mistake of taking two electives at a public school when he was set upon by fine examples of leftist tolerance. Gotta admit he showed remarkable restraint. And since this was in Utah and not Chicago or Kenosha or Portland, charges are being filed against the actual aggressors and not the victim.

Video in full showing why publicly funded education should be segregated… those who want to learn physically separated from those who don’t.


One wonders if child protective services should get involved. Clearly the anti-patriot students have been raised poorly. Perhaps their parents should be checked out and any other children in their care should be removed to a safer environment where they won’t be raised with what clearly must have been a hate-filled ideology. But what should certainly happen is that the aggressors need to be entered into a cancel-culture “do not ever hire EVER” database. The left cancels people for bad jokes. The right and the middle should make sure to cancel people who are actually violent.

 Posted by at 10:05 am
Oct 112020

All the polling shows the Harris/Biden ticket well in front. But it certainly seems like all the *enthusiasm* is on Trumps side; Biden rallies seem to be empty parking lots. Granted, Hillary didn’t do much better at getting people interested and she still beat Trump in total number of votes (assuming that the voting was reasonably fair and accurate, something that almost nobody holds out much hope for this time, especially with news stories like this one). If one assumes that all the enthusiasm is on the Trump side, and Harris/Biden wins the election anyway… what will happen? Will Trump voters do like BLMers and Antifa when they don’t get their way? What with Antifa getting bolder with just outright assassinating right wing protestors, one wonders if the election might be the final push over the edge for some since the math doesn’t seem to reflect the reality that a whole lot of people see.

Some day historians will look back on this era and shake their heads, wondering how so many people could have been so stupid as to fall for ChiCom/FSB agitprop and went out into the streets to burn cities down to protest nonsense, thus sparking the civil war that brought the US – and the rest of western civilization – low.

 Posted by at 11:43 pm
Oct 112020

An interesting and theoretically simple geoengineering project:

The daring plan to save the Arctic ice with glass

Simple idea: take small, hollow glass beads (65 micrometers) that are very reflective and scatter them about in the arctic, particularly in areas where the ice is melting away down to dark water. Experiments have shown that a coating of these beads can save ice from melting away entirely in summer, Do enough of it properly, and you could in principle reverse the massive loss in sea ice that the arctic has been experiencing. The beads are chemically inoffensive (they’re just glass, little different from sand) and don’t seem to harm critters digestive tracts if swallowed.

A good run of the process would cost a few billion dollars a year. A fair chunk of change, but consider this line:

If Field’s strategy works as intended, “that’s wonderful,” Bitz says, “but I know that not emitting CO2 in the first place will work.”

Uh-huh. Well, the EU and the US are slowly turning off the CO2 spigot. Guess who’s not:

China is slowing their rate of growth, but they are still growing and are the world leader; India seems to be catching up. So… spend a few billion dollars a year on foamed silica beads. Apply as directed to the bald patches up north. And then bill China. Heck, make deliveries of a certain kilotonnage of the stuff a contractual obligation if they want to do business with the rest of the world, specifics based on their CO2 output.

 Posted by at 6:00 pm
Oct 112020

An interesting article on how the deepfake of Nixon reading the “moon landing has failed speech” was created:

Inside the strange new world of being a deepfake actor

The process requires an actor to basically be a “puppet” for the final product, akin to motion capture. With current technology, both the appearance and the voice of the actor can be transformed into those of someone completely different. The line that jumped out at me:

The actor, in other words, serves as a puppeteer, never to be seen in the final product. The person’s appearance, gender, age, and ethnicity don’t really matter.

Huh. Pay attention to that, Hollywood. Here is how you can make non-insulting historical epics and still hope to win an Academy Award. Recall the new diversity rules for Oscar contenders:

To achieve Standard A, the film must meet ONE of the following criteria:

A1. Lead or significant supporting actors

At least one of the lead actors or significant supporting actors is from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group.

      • Asian
        • Hispanic/Latinx
        • Black/African American
        • Indigenous/Native American/Alaskan Native
        • Middle Eastern/North African
        • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
        • Other underrepresented race or ethnicity

Huh. Well, folks, here’s your loophole. Let’s say you want to make a Viking saga, or something from Shakespeare or something about King Arthur or Peter the Great or Charlemagne or the Thirty Years War or Leonardo da Vinci or… whatever. but you’re pretty sure it’ll be an Oscar contender. What to do? Simple: hire, say, Idris Elba to play King Arthur and Viola Davis to play Lancelot and Salma Hayek to play Morgana and Hari Kondabolu to play Merlin. And then replace them in post: John Wayne as Arthur, Cary Grant as Lancelot, Marilyn Monroe as Morgana and Richard Harris as Merlin. You have, in fact, done what the Academy standards wanted you to do, and yet you’ve also made a reasonably accurate version of the flick.

As the technology improves, the argument for using real – and real expensive – actors to portray their un-deepfaked selves will get weaker and weaker. The world is full to overflowing with perfectly good actors who can portray anyone… they just don’t look the part. Now they won’t need to. We could soon enter an era where “acting” and “appearance” become wholly separate commodities. Actors might be known by name, but not by face. And regular schmoes with no acting chops whatsoever could make a good bit of extra cash by selling the rights to their appearance… go into a booth, strip down to your skivvies (or further, for extra cash) and you are 3D scanned to ridiculously high precision. Perhaps even X-rayed or sonogramed to get the skeleton right. Takes ten minutes and you’re back out onto the street. A year later you get a letter telling you that, hey presto, you’ll be portraying Darth Blarg in Star Wars Episode 15, The Sith Cash Grab. Two years later the checks start rolling in… a few tens of thousands for use in the movie, a few more tens of thousands for all the posters and T-shirts and action figures that use your likeness. Not a lot of money by current Hollywood standards, but all you did was stand there and strike a few poses for a few minutes.

 Posted by at 3:54 pm
Oct 102020

Well, maybe. The North Koreans are as renowned for their honesty and their transparency as the Harris/Biden team, so it’s entirely possible this thing is made out of cardboard. Still, attention should be paid, and attention should be paid to development of a new American ICBM. The US land-based ICBMs are based on a design pushing *sixty* years old. Design something new… and road-mobile. Build a thousand of the missiles, and five thousand decoys.



 Posted by at 10:26 pm