Oct 162020

I watched the two Presidential “Town Hall” broadcasts last night. There were very VERY clear distinctions between the two:

1A) Trump: The moderator spent a good chunk of the time (seemingly the majority) interviewing Trump, not letting the audience ask questions

1B) Biden: The moderator let the audience do almost all the asking

2A) Trump: the moderator was adversarial in the extreme

2B) Biden: The moderator was friendly

Each approach seemed fine in its way… on one hand, it’s the job of the press to grill the candidate; on the other the “town hall” format is supposed to be for regular people to ask questions. Just interesting to note the stark difference. Also noted: somehow, *nobody* seemed to ask Biden the important and obvious questions, such as “how do you think history will remember you if you try to enact your claimed policies and you incite a wholly unnecessary civil war (with the gun grab) and/or destroy the US economy (Green New Deal)?” or “so just how much money did Hunter make from selling influence to the Chinese, Ukrainians, Russians and who all else?” Every question was a softball.


 Posted by at 9:09 am