Nov 072020

SpaceX Starship SN8 to Make First Ever Historical Flight Test

Scheduled for November 9 to 11,  the first cosmetically-complete Starship is expected to make an attempt to reach an altitude of 15 kilometers. This isn’t very high as space launchers go – barely to the edge of the stratosphere – but it will be high enough that the Starship will attempt the “bellyflop” maneuver.

It’s probably rational to expect it to make a smoking hole in the water or the vicinity of Boca Chica. That is of course not a slam on SpaceX… they’re trying something new, and history has show that Rockets Are Hard. History has also showed that SpaceX is willing and, importantly, eager to learn from failures. So, while it is of course to be preferred that the test flight goes off without a hitch, if it doesn’t it’s just a step towards making it work.

 Posted by at 1:05 pm
Nov 072020

So I moved my eyeballs from the CAD computer to the Internet computer for a few minutes to look up something inane to throw onto the TV for background noise and somehow fell down a weird rabbit hole of movies on Amazon Prime. I haven’t seen any of them, but their titles and descriptions seem… interesting:

I Was a Teenage Wereskunk

MOOSE: The Movie

A Rash of bizarre moose-trampling incidents has the residents of Gangrene Gulch, Alaska, on edge. In an attempt to restore the natural disorder to the quirky little town, newbie park ranger, Zack, teams up with beautiful librarian/coroner’s assistant, Samantha, to solve the mystery. They soon find themselves hoof-deep in supernatural chaos.


Following a radioactive accident in outer space, an astronaut is transformed into a sentient blob of meat who devours everything and everyone in its path.

A possessed piñata, seeking to avenge the savagery that humanity has inflicted on his kind, picks off a group of friends, one by one, in an unending night of terror.

Weresquito: Nazi Hunter

Horrific Nazi experiments have left a surviving American WWII soldier with a terrifying condition: at the sight of fresh blood, he transforms into a man-sized, blood-sucking killer insect! Refusing to let his affliction destroy him, he instead commits himself to using his “powers” for good-by finding the people responsible and bringing them to justice!

The Thingy: Confessions of a Teenage Placenta

When a female bodybuilder gives birth to a living placenta, she decides to raise it as her human son. The creature, named Luke, is reared in the Christian faith and matriculated into the public school system, where he faces ridicule from boorish males and their girlfriends. But what happens when Luke gets pushed too far?



 Posted by at 12:36 pm
Nov 072020

Makes of this what you will:

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 11:03 am
Nov 062020

A piece of art that was on ebay a while back depicting a C-130 Hercules converted into an AWACS-like aircraft by the inclusion of a radar rotodome to the top of the vertical fin. This may look a little odd, but it was a good position for such a radar system as it puts it above all aircraft components.

 Posted by at 11:30 pm
Nov 062020

Will you be on it? How many of your friends and family will be on it? Will it be used to deplatform people? To get them fired? To strip from them their ability to use payment processors and banking systems?

The Left is compiling lists of people to harass, suppress and oppress. Why? Because they set cities on fire, trashed businesses, assaulted cops and random passersby? Nope, because they supported the “wrong” guy.

We should hold accountable:

Those who elected him.

Individuals who worked for the Trump for President campaign, Republican National Committee, and affiliated PACs in 2016 or 2020.

Those who staffed his government.

Individuals who worked in any role as a political appointee in the Trump Administration.

Those who funded him.

Individuals who used their massive personal wealth and influence to bundle money for Trump.

New blacklist of ‘Trump sycophants’ inspired by AOC being compiled


 Posted by at 6:12 pm
Nov 062020

Regardless of how the current elections turn out,  Georgia is going to remain a political hotbed into January 2021. It turns out that two Republican Senate incumbents are up for re-election, but in neither election does it look like any candidate will win a clear 50+% majority. Consequently, in January both seats will be up for a run-off election. As the current election maps hold, if the Dems can flip both of those Senate seats (based on the *current* math that seems unlikely), then the Dems will be in control of the Presidency, the House and the Senate, which means that they can do whatever they like. If the Supreme Court becomes bothersome about all that “Constitution” stuff? They will be able to pack the court.

As things currently stand, one of the seats looks readily flippable. The other, the seat seams to be more or less evenly split between a Dem and *two* Reps. So at first glance it would seem that a runoff would go 2 to 1 in favor of the Rep. But the thing is… the Democrats know that this will be their chance to fundamentally remake the United States in their image. This will be their chance to ban guns and make tens of millions of people who aren’t likely to vote for them into non-voting felons. Expect the Georgia runoffs to be *swamped* with outside money, with balloting shenanigans to put Detroit to shame. The Chinese will be *all* *over* this.

Why Georgia is about to become the center of the political universe

 Posted by at 12:10 pm