Nov 102020

It certainly doesn’t seem like it will belong to NASA:

Biden administration expected to emphasize climate science over lunar exploration at NASA

Satellites looking down on Earth, measuring temperature and atmospheric makeup? Sure, useful. But someone PLEASE explain to me why *NASA* is meant to do this and not the NOAA.

The people who dreamed as children and struggled through college to get science and engineering degrees with the goal of working for NASA did so because they want to send Men to the Moon, Mars and beyond. It must surely be a small  minority indeed who were enthralled not with visions of exploration and going out to the frontiers, but with looking at clouds.

So if the new administration does not use regulations to strangle SpaceX (including jacking up taxes so that SpaceX simply can’t afford to work here anymore), I would be utterly unsurprised to see a mass exodus of talent from NASA, heading to SpaceX.

 Posted by at 1:30 am