Nov 172020

You’ve seen the Mandelbrot Set:

But what is it? Here is a video that explains it pretty clearly:

What, honestly… did you have anything better to be doing just now?

Aside: I often wonder about the guys who discover things like this. Mandelbrot, Kepler, Galileo, Einstein and the like… doing their thing, puzzling over the math, finding something unexpected and beautiful that seems to delve into the very heart of reality. I’m not religious, but I gotta think that the discovery of something like this must seem like a glimpse into the mind of God to someone who is. I can still remember the day I found a book on orbital mechanics that explained the math succinctly and clearly, and I sat down and for the first time scratched out some basic math about the orbital periods of planets. My tiny little young mind was well and truly blown by the simple ability to predict where a planet would be an arbitrary time in the future. That seems as nothing compared to Mandelbrot’s discovery.

 Posted by at 4:37 pm
Nov 172020

Scientists Create Meat from Human Cells But Claim It’s Not Cannibalism

Cells taken from a human are “lab grown” into a slab of meat. Is it cannibalism to consume that meat? How about if the cells are *yours* and the “lab” is a kitchen appliance in your own home?


That said… if it becomes that easy to grow a slab of humansteak, then it should be that easy to grow a slab of, say, buffalo or tuna or bald eagle Siberian tiger or white rhino or any endangered critter that may in fact be tasty. In the end it *might* end up being easier to grow hamburgers at home in a machine than to grow cows; al you’d need are starter cells and the growth nutrients, which can probably be mass produced by the kiloton. And then at long last humanities great dream of the extinction of cow kind can come to pass… because if humans weren’t ranching them, cows and sheep would have long since gone the way of the dodo and the passenger pigeon.

But, yeah,t here’s always gonna be some weirdo who grows himself to gnaw upon.

 Posted by at 11:27 am
Nov 162020

And good for Britain if this comes to pass:

Rolls-Royce plans 16 mini-nuclear plants for UK

It seems that of Britains current crop of nuclear powerplants, six will go offline by 2030, and the last by 2035. the new Small Modular Reactors are to cost about £2 billion a pop and produce 440 megawatts of electricity. The consortium led by RR says they can build the first facility in ten years and produce two a year after that.

Unsurprisingly, Greenpeace is opposed. Because of course they are.


 Posted by at 10:45 pm
Nov 162020

This art was posted a decade ago. But behold! Now there’s dimensional and weight data. Woo.

An early-1960’s idea for a one-man “space pod.” Similar in concept to von Braun’s “Bottle Suit,” the Remora would allow an astronaut to work in a more comfortable setting than a full pressure suit, while giving the astronaut more tools and greater protection from radiation, meteoroids and other space hazards.

The name “Remora” comes in part from the fact that the “suits” would not, unlike normal EVA suits, have to be put all the way through an air lock. Instead, the “head” of the Remora would enter a small port on the spacecraft, lock in, the pressure would equalize and the transparent dome would open allowing the astronaut to climb right out. The pressure in the spacecraft/space station would be the same as that within the Remora, meaning no prebreathing and no dangerous and time consuming steps up and down in pressure. The art shows the astronaut wearing a pressure suit; this would presumably be a safety measure in case the Remora was breached. So long as the Remora stayed pressurized, the astronauts suit could have had little to no relative pressure, meaning that it would not be stiff and difficult to work in. The Remora was to be equipped with a reaction control system of some kind, but exactly what remains unclear. Options would include:

1: Cold gas, like pressurized nitrogen

2: Monopropellant like hydrogen peroxide or hydrazine

3: Bipropellant, either hypergolic storables or something like hydrogen peroxide/kerosene. Cryogens seem unlikely.

The Remora was clearly meant to remain tethered to its spacecraft/space station. One wonders if the astronaut was supposed to remove his suit gloves before putting his hands into the external gloves of if the one would fit in the other. Additionally, it seems like there should have been little pressure doors on the inside of the glove in case a finger gets punctured.

A vastly higher resolution version of this art is HERE.

 Posted by at 10:23 am
Nov 152020

Can’t wait to see how successful his schemes to solve the Commie Cough, “gun violence,” global warming and the economy pan out.

Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research

Short from: Biden started The Biden Cancer Initiative in 2017. It brought in $4.8 million in 2017-18, spent $3.07 million on salaries. it has spent hundreds of thousands on conferences and travel and zero on research grants. Since Biden started his failed bid to become a respected cognitively-functional President, the “charity” has essentially ceased operations. So for two years it served as a means to pay “salaries” to a few people and little else. The charity’s president got $428 grand just in 2018, about a quarter of a million the year before.

Gotta respect the grift, I suppose.

All that said: I would be willing to serve on President Bidens Gun Violence Task Force. If it is run like his charity, I will end up raking in tons of cash and they’ll end up doing nothing towards infringing on Americans rights to keep and bear arms. Sounds like a win-win to me.

 Posted by at 11:17 am
Nov 152020

Just because the left got what it wanted doesn’t mean that violence against their political opponents has stopped. Lots of videos of BLM racists and Antifa Marxists attacking folks for wrongthink:

WATCH: Antifa Accosts Women, Children, Elderly, and Restaurant-Goers After MAGA March

I expect this sort of thing to only get worse now that the truly worst people in American society feel emboldened, and very likely will be empowered from the top of the political food chain.

 Posted by at 11:04 am