Feb 152021

The Great Reset summarized:

The Great Reset is such an obviously doom-filled notion that you have to wonder why anyone would even bother trotting it out. If something like this was actually instituted, the inevitable result would be Eat The Rich and street corner guillotines. I can only see two explanations:

1: This is a world-class Trumpian troll. Perhaps the bajillionaires involved in the World Economic Forum did this as some sort of drunken bet just to see how many morons would sign up, or to see what kind of chaos could be created from the inevitable outrage.

2: Ideology. Only whackadoodle political or religious ideologies can make people who should know better actually think that planned, centralized economies are a good thing, that the wants and desires of entire populations can be scheduled in advance, that people will be satisfied with less, that people do not have self-interest or a desire to won their own stuff.

3: The ultimate reason why.

 Posted by at 11:18 am
Feb 142021

And here we go:

Statement by the President Three Years After the Parkland Shooting

Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms, including requiring background checks on all gun sales, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.

Well, that would seem to be incitement to insurrection, since he’s calling for the jailing of tens of millions of American citizens. It’s certainly a call to violate the Constitution. Should Congress begin impeachment proceedings?

 Posted by at 8:30 pm
Feb 142021

I’ve previously said that I am opposed to turning away customers based on their politics. This is a common practice in several industries, such as comic books, Star Wars novelizations and some others… where authors say things like “if you don’t like my politics don’t buy my book.” This to me seems incredibly dumb. Me, I will happily sell my stuff to anyone. Go ahead, give it a shot… go to my website and select a few hundred dollars worth of items, pay for them and see if I don’t just go right ahead and fill your order.

I Dare You.

But then there’s also this argument:

Michigan Ammo Maker: No Bullets For Biden Voters


In this case, the customers who voted for Biden did in fact vote to put this company out of business. That’s the sort of thing that will annoy many business owners. Second… if you are a bullet maker, you’re very unlikely to be having trouble finding buyers these days. You almost certainly have far more demand that capacity. You *can’t* sell to everyone who wants to buy. So… if ya gotta pick and chose, I guess de-selecting those who want to actually put you out of business, but who hypocritically want your product – makes as much sense as any way to pick.

I’m pretty sure they can’t actually discriminate without collecting a few lawsuits (which I’d honestly get a kick out of seeing… “Your Honor, my client doesn’t want to sell his product to people who believe that his product and his business model should be illegal. What’s the problem here?”). But maybe making a few of the more self-destructive gun owners think a little bit might prove helpful in the future. And it doubtless feels good for those who set up the little test.

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 4:21 pm
Feb 142021

OK, so I’m not a Christian; certainly not a Catholic. Buuuuutttt… I’m not sure about whether the Catholic Church has this much sway over Evangelicals, who I understand to generally *not* actually be Catholics. And I’m not sure what Noted Hollywood Intellectual Sean Penn’s problem with satin is. Perhaps it’s not good enough for his silk-pampered caboose.

Perhaps the Vatican should impeach all those Rabbis and Imams and Lamas and such who express wrongthink? I’m sure that’ll go over a treat. You go get ’em, Spicoli!

 Posted by at 3:56 pm
Feb 142021

Oh, boy! Mayhem!

There was likely a short in the first vehicles battery pack. Whether due to damage or bad manufacturing/materials… shrug. But lithium and oxygen make an energetic pair, and it’s generally advisable to keep them apart.

Interestingly, at about 1:20 you see the truck roll backwards. Looks like the brakes cut loose.

 Posted by at 8:26 am
Feb 132021

It seems that Earth was a dull place from about 1.8 billion years ago to about 0.8 billion years ago. Mountain formation fell to nada, and over that time the mountains that had emerged prior eroded away. The land area of Earth was thus very flat. And seemingly along with that dull era of geology, biological evolution also seemed to stall out. There may be a link: mountain erosion leads to various mineral nutrients (such as phosphorus) washing out to sea… but as the mountains eroded away and weren’t replaced, the rivers of the time had less and less interesting stuff in them, and thus the single celled organisms int he ocean had less and less to work with.

But then the supercontinent of Nuna-Rodina broke up and mountain formation began again. In about 300 million years the Cambrian Explosion happened and the diversity of life  expanded vastly.

Earth’s mountains disappeared for a billion years, and then life stopped evolving

As mentioned in a  post about the Great Oxidation Event, the history of life on Earth is complex and deeply interconnected with the geology of the place. Life seemed to arise *very* soon after the planet got completely remade by getting plowed by a Mars-sized world, throwing off rubble that would become the moon; but even though there was life,  for billions of years it remained very simple. complexity only came about quite recently. But it’s far from certain that that’s the way it has to be. there might well be worlds that have major civilizations partying down just a few hundred million years after the place cools enough for liquid water.

And of course there are also the many continents that have been subducted and are now floating around in the mantle, hiding forever the traces of the advanced reptilian civilizations that rose and fell on them.

 Posted by at 8:24 pm
Feb 132021

Lochnagar Mine was a pile of explosives dug under the German front lines in France by the British during WWI. This was of course during the era of trench warfare, one of the most spectacularly futile endeavors in human history, with the consequence that the Brits dug a chamber fifty feet beneath German lines and filled it with 60,000 pounds of ammonal (ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder) explosive. On July 1, 1916 the explosives were detonated creating a crater about 100 feet deep and 300 feet in diameter.

Considering that the war dragged on for another two and a half years… all that effort and destruction, for nothing. And in the end, the allies set up a punitive system that virtually ensured that something worse would come along… and of course it did.


 Posted by at 9:48 am
Feb 122021

And not on the bloated, far behind schedule and vastly over budget SLS:

NASA to use commercial launch vehicle for Europa Clipper

EC will instead fly on a commercial launch vehicle, as yet undetermined but very likely to be a Falcon 9 Heavy. The F9H is indeed a capable vehicle, but it does not have the throw weight that SLS is supposed to have, so instead of a three-year direct flight to Jupiter the spacecraft will take a more circuitous six-year flight that does gravity assists past Earth and Mars. An advantage of that is that after an October 2024 launch, the probe will do a  flyby of Earth in December of 2026; it should be interesting to compare views of Earth of “before and after,” what with the new radioactive pock marks, ash clouds, scorched regions that the next some years are looking likely to feature.

And from another direction, the loss of the Europa Clipper mission is just one more “why the hell are we spending money on this monstrosity” nail in SLS’s ginormous coffin.

 Posted by at 6:09 pm