Mar 082021

Lovecraft Country faces colorism scandal as extra details having her skin darkened on set

Short form: a young black actress was hired as an extra to play a younger version of a character portrayed by an older black actress. When she went in for her makeup, the makeup department was tasked with making sure the younger actress looked like a younger version of the older actress, so they matched the skin tone. This has been determined to be Problematic.

If you read the article *and* the comments, the answer is quite simple: HBO should not have hired this young actress, but instead another one who looked like the older actress, both structurally and skin tone, so no makeup change would have been required. Since skin tones can vary *wildly* from one person to another, this would have slashed the pool of potential hires drastically.

HBO, of course, has already started cranking out the grovelling apologies for using makeup to make an actress look like the character she was hired to portray. Hopefully they will learn from this lesson and never again apply makeup to an acting unit that changes their skin tone. Instead, they should do the only fair and honest thing: completely computer generated characters. When there is the slightest worry of woke outrage, replace all Actrons Of Outrage with an off-the-street hire in a mocap suit.

Behold your new Black Panther:

One of the numerous advantages of doing it this way is that actors will gradually cease to be recognizable by the public. Characters in movies might be based on scans of real people, but those people would be just random acting-talentless schmoes who sold their image rights. No longer will there be actrons demanding vast sums for the sequels, or shows getting their legs cut out from under them because one of the stars got MeTooed or arrested or died or some other nuisance. And characters, being computer generated, can be not only made to look however the movie/show makers want, they can have little slider bars in the setup screen to let the viewers select how the characters look. This is done commonly enough in video games, where you can select just about every conceivable feature for the character you portray; doing this with movies is just a matter of time. Imagine how much less the JJVerse Star Trek movies woulda sucked if you could adjust a littler slider that allowed you to set the “how different from actual Star Trek” appearance… not just the actors, but the ship designs, aliens, uniforms, etc. (a slider that allows you to select “how much does the plot and writing suck” would be nice too, but that’s probably a little further out)

 Posted by at 7:23 pm
Mar 072021

For some reason YouTube’s algorithm  decided I needed to see this. So, guess what, you get to see it too: a British school girl undergoing one dire Tourette’s tic attack. Comes complete with NSFW language and some seriously self-destructive actions. This is clearly a heck of an issue for her. But imagine what her life would have been like a few centuries ago when the only explanation for this would have been demonic possession or some such.

We live in some crazy damned times. There are a *lot* of people out there with a large range of emotional/mental/psychological/neurological issues… and a lot more people who tell them that they should feel proud for it. That they should revel in it. That children should be indoctrinated to actually desire such things. That society should tell these people that their delusions are *real.* That rather than seeking a cure, they should be rolling around in their troubles like a glue-covered pig rolling in glitter. But I have the sneaking suspicion that if this girl was given the opportunity to take a single pill that would end her Tourettes side effect free, she’d leap at it.

In a Star Trek future, Doctor McCoy would run a tricorder over her, diagnose her problem and zap her with Space Magic Healing Ray (TM), and she’d be fine from then on. Someone with cancer or schizophrenia or clinical depression… same thing. But if someone came along who claimed to be a pandemifurrytwospirittransGorn… why, gotta *celebrate* that and lock up anyone who says “maybe they’re just nuts.”

 Posted by at 8:27 pm
Mar 072021

Once again, this time with feeling:

The media has used the term “armed insurrection” 2,339 times to describe the Capitol riot despite no evidence of anyone having a gun on them. Why is that?

Sen. Johnson: “How many firearms were confiscated in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds during that day?”

FBIAssistant Director Sanborn: “To my knowledge, we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point. But I don’t want to speak on behalf of Metro and Capitol Police. But to my knowledge, none.”

Johnson: “So nobody has been charged with an actual firearm weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds?”

Sanborn: “Correct. The closest we came was the vehicle that had the Molotov cocktails in it. And when we did a search of that vehicle later on, there was a weapon.”

Johnson: “How many shots were fired that we know of?”

Sanborn: “I believe the only shots that were fired were the ones that results in the death of the one lady” [The woman killed by the Capitol Police].

The fear-mongering bootlickers claim that the “armed insurrectionists” had things like stun guns and – GASP HORROR – crutches.

 Posted by at 7:23 pm
Mar 072021

… but *this* I just don’t get:

Want to buy this tweet?

The highest offer is $2500000 by @sinaEstavi

What are the terms of this transaction and what does it mean to own a tweet? 

The tweet itself will continue to live on Twitter. What you are purchasing is a digital certificate of the tweet, unique because it has been signed and verified by the creator.

This autographed digital certificate will only be issued once on Valuables. It is signed using cryptography, and includes metadata of the original tweet like: when the tweet was posted, what the text contents are of the tweet, the timestamp of the tweet, and the digital signature from the creator’s crypto wallet address. 

Why would I pay to own a tweet?

Owning any digital content can be a financial investment, hold sentimental value, and create a relationship between collector and creator. Like an autograph on a baseball card, the NFT itself is the creator’s autograph on the content, making it scarce, unique, and valuable.

Why would someone buy a single tweet for $2.5 million when they can buy US Bomber Projects #1 for a mere $4.25?

 Posted by at 7:13 pm
Mar 072021

A video (made with a few contributions from yours truly, and, yes, attributed as such within the video) describing the 1970s Boeing design for an ICBM-carrying airliner, the MC-747. This is described and illustrated in US Bomber Projects issue 21, AVAILABLE HERE.

An interesting idea to be sure, but an unsafe one. Were one of these aircraft to go down for whatever reason, the results would be No Damned Good. Almost certainly the warheads would not go nuclear, but it’s always possible that the combo of the crash, the burning jet fuel and the solid rocket propellant merrily burning away might cause the chemical explosives in the warheads to go off, potentially scattering plutonium all over hither and yon. Worse still would be if the plutonium got sprinkled with the solid propellant and the plutonium combusted, scattering not just chunks and bits of plutonium, which would be bad enough, but clouds of plutonium oxide or plutonium chloride.

Perhaps more dangerous would be the Soviet reaction. They’d be in a constant state of freaking out every time one of these took to the sky, and they probably would have difficulty telling an MC-747 from an E-4 or a civilian 747. And, of course, they’d have to have their own. the AN-124 would be the logical choice for an ICBM carrier, and chances are good they’d do as good of a job with it as they did with Chernobyl, the Kursk or the Polyus.

 Posted by at 12:58 pm
Mar 062021

From well before the B-58 program began, the Convair designers intended for their four-engined supersonic bomber to have a relatively gigantic pod underneath containing fuel and a nuke. The illustration below shows an early B-58 concept with the outboard engine nacelles located above the wing, together with a collection of potential bomb/fuel pods. “Freefall” contains an H-bomb; “Ferret” is electronic intelligence gathering; photo recon is obvious; and PPB is… hmmm. Note that none of these seem to have rockets in the tail, the ferret and photo recon pods doubtless were intended to return with the aircraft rather than be dropped.


 Posted by at 8:03 pm
Mar 062021

I can’t even.

“Star Wars: The High Republic” is shaping up to be the idiotic trainwreck that it could be foreseen to be from the get-go. A new character is literally a rock named Geode. Why? I can only guess. But one obvious possibility is that geode here won’t have any personal pronouns, can’t be nailed down to having any race or gender… the perfect character for modern Disney Star Wars. Geode, by the way, is a navigator. On a vessel named The Vessel. THE VESSEL.

They’re not even *trying.*

And by the way:

New Star Wars: The High Republic Villain Name Translates To “Boys” In Icelandic

So according to Disney Star Wars, the ultimate threat to the Jedi are boys. The Force Is Female indeed.

 Posted by at 2:03 pm
Mar 052021

Good luck:

Alcubierre – White Warp Drive Machine
United States Patent Application 20200130870

What is claimed is:

1. A machine that is designed to change the metric of space-time and to generate an Alcubierre Warp Drive or a Warp Drive bubble, by two types of walls that surround a cavity of space, where one wall, named “Rear Wall”, consists of three layers of polarity +, −, + such that the negatively charged layer, named “Middle Layer” or the Middle Layer of the Rear Wall can have at least the negative of the sum of charge in the other two layers, i.e. +Q, −2Q-Delta, +Q where Q means charge and delta means an additional negative charge or zero.

2. A machine as in claim 1 where one wall, named “Front Wall”, consists of three layers of polarity −, +, − such that the positively charged layer, named “Middle Layer” or the Middle Layer of the Front Wall can have at least the positive amount of the sum of negative charge in the other two layers, i.e. −Q, +2Q+Delta, −Q where Q means charge and Delta means an additional positive charge or zero.

3. The machine as described in claim 2 such that the external layers of the front wall and the external layers of the rear wall have an oscillating charge component.

4. A machine that is designed to generate a warp drive that uses four conducting plates or layers such that the rear wall is made of two conducting layers and the front wall is made of two conducting layers and such that the two layers of the rear wall are fed with a negative DC component and the two layers of the front wall are fed with a positive DC component and such that the charge on the two layers of the rear wall oscillates between the two layers of the rear wall and such that the charge on the two layers of the front wall oscillates between the two layers of the front wall.

5. A machine as described in claim 4, such that at least one of the conducting layers of the rear wall rotates clockwise and one of the conducting layers of the front wall rotates anticlockwise or vice versa.

6. A machine as in claim 4 or 5 such that the charge on the two conducting layers of the rear wall oscillates by AC which is supplied through a coil and such that the middle bifurcation of the coil is connected to the negative polarity of a DC source.

7. A machine is in claim 6 such that the charge on the two conducting layers of the front wall oscillates by AC which is supplied through a coil and such that the middle bifurcation of the coil is connected to the positive polarity of the DC source.

8. A machine as described in claim 3, 4 or 7 such that either the front wall or the rear walls are split and receive different voltage baseline in order to allow the stirring of the machine.

The full patent application is available in PDF.

 Posted by at 7:20 pm
Mar 052021

An Aerojet concept for a boost-phase ICBM interceptor.

This would be a space-based anti-missile system composed of two high thrust solid rocket motors and a kill vehicle composed of a substantial set of optics, some impressive late 1980’s computers and most likely a hydrazine monoprop divert system. The missile would be meant to physically impact an ICBM while still being lofted by the first stage; this is an bigger, slower and brighter target than the later, faster, smaller stages and warheads, but you have to be *fast* to reach out and tag a missile in the first moments of flight.


 Posted by at 5:36 pm