Mar 122021

About two weeks ago I made a post mocking some dweeb who thought it was cultural appropriation for white pagans to adopt non-white pagan deities and such. As part of my mockery that nonsense, I said this:

If I want to worship Odin *and* take on Aztec practices of sacrificing my neighbors to chop out their beating hearts and build towers of human skulls, who are you to tell me I’m wrong?

Well, guess what:

California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum urges students to chant to the Aztec deity of human sacrifice.

The curriculum recommends that teachers lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka—whom the Aztecs traditionally worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism—asking him for the power to be “warriors” for “social justice.” Next, the students chant to the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totek, seeking “healing epistemologies” and “a revolutionary spirit.” Huitzilopochtli, in particular, is the Aztec deity of war and inspired hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices during Aztec rule.

In case you think that article is right wing propaganda… read the curriculum for yourself, right there on a California government website, right in front of Tezkatlipoka and everybody.

The whackos want to erase western civilization. This is what they want to replace it with:

Feeding the gods: Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice in Aztec capital

 Posted by at 9:50 pm