Aug 162021

“Tofu-dreg project” is a mainland Chinese phrase describing shoddy construction. There seems to be a *lot* of it over there. Some of these clips are self explanatory, but some… I’d like more context on. The fake bendable rebar? What the frak is that made of? And at about 6:35, you see someone grabbing chunks of “concrete” from what seems to be a structural pillar and breaking it off like you’d break off a chunk of stale bread. *Surely* the whole structure of the high-rise couldn’t have been made from that garbage.

This is the culture that is likely to try to take over the world.

 Posted by at 7:13 pm
Aug 162021

I’ve seen a lot of people the last day or so express views along the lines of “I’m ashamed to be an American” or some such over the shockingly poor pullout from Afghanistan. Me? Nope. This isn’t an “America” problem. It’s a “Biden” problem. And if you want to be a bit more expansive, it’s a “Biden voter” problem.” I didn’t vote for him. I voted *against* him. I warned all y’all that he was a senile dimwit. But here we are, Biden voters. No refunds. This is on you. Hang your heads in shame. For good measure, if you voted for Biden, perhaps you should sit out the next five or six elections.

So… now what? Now that Biden and his ilk have shown the world how amazingly bad he and they are at basic planning, what can we expect from our other adversaries? If I was Ukrainian or Taiwanese… I’d be a bit nervous.

Razorfist explains it with his usual calm demeanor.

 Posted by at 12:10 pm
Aug 162021

The circle is even more complete:

Of course, not everyone is fleeing via helicopter. Some are heading out via C-17. in fact… *800* people ona  single C-17:

Probably not *this* C-17, since it shows an RAF or UAE roundel on the side:


So: are Republicans going to use this stuff to trounce the Dems in the 2022 midterms? Will the Dems use this as a way to shuffle Biden out of the White House and make way for the Harris/Pelosi administration?


Video below is unrelated. But I can’t be the only one to immediately think of this…

But wait! There’s MOAR:

Thing I note: not a lot of chicks in these videos. Guess they get to stay behind. I’m sure they’ll be fine.

 Posted by at 12:57 am
Aug 152021

People have for years been drawing parallels between Viet Nam and Afghanistan, between Viet Nam vets and Afghan  vets.

Well. Here we are.

History may not repeat, but it does rhyme.

Of course, disasters are helped along by bad planning:

 Posted by at 7:02 pm
Aug 152021

Remember when Boeing was a company of engineers, a company that could get the job done?



As should be well known hereabouts, I have great hopes for SpaceX. That’s both for their ability to get craft such as Starship working, *and* to make spaceflight far cheaper. But in order for them to truly succeed at the latter goal, they will need to be challenged by a realistic competitor. I would rather by far that SpaceX’s greatest competitor be another American company. Boeing, historically *should* have been one of those competitors.

They are not.





 Posted by at 12:46 am