Aug 212021

Osama bin Laden BANNED al Qaeda from trying to assassinate Joe Biden because he believed he would be an incompetent president and ‘lead the US into a crisis’

The United States *usually* lucks out in that most of our enemies are fricken’ morons. The vast bulk of the Jihadis are like that, as are the majority of the Woke insurgents and worldwreckers. but unfortunately sometimes there is the occasional evil genius who figures things our to our detriment.

Bin Laden – then-leader of al Qaeda, and the man that America went to Afghanistan to kill – penned the 48-page missive in May 2010 to an aide identified as ‘Brother Shaykh Mahmud’, real name Atiyah Abd al-Rahman.

In it, he discusses the need to direct resources away from terror attacks in other Muslim countries and instead focus on direct attacks against the US.

On page 36, he outlines his desire to form two hit squads – one in Pakistan and another in Afghanistan – whose job it will be to plot attacks against then-US President Barack Obama and ex-CIA director David Petraeus, should they visit either country.

Giving his reasoning for attacking Obama, he says: ‘Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there. 

‘Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the US into a crisis.’

Sadly, bin Laden had a better understanding of Biden than anyone who voted for him.

 Posted by at 1:59 am