Dec 062021

Cultural enrichment in Minneapolis.

Deportations all around!

Mob invades apartment in Minneapolis, beats woman and her mother

Here’s the kicker:

Unconfirmed reports circulated on social media suggest that the young woman who was the target of this invasion and attack earned the ire of the mob by accusing a man who is friends with the mob of sexually assaulting her. It appears that the woman who was attacked leveled this accusation on TikTok, where both her and the man she named have a notable presence in the Minneapolis area.

So a bunch of women attacked another woman because that woman claimed to have been sexually assaulted. Which means that the group of women set out to protect someone accused of sexual assault. That’s *special.*

You get more of what you subsidize.

 Posted by at 10:47 pm
Dec 062021

Most of the people I know would look at the Christmas card in question and feel some combination of impressed and jealous. But then there’s CNN and their ilk, who cannot understand people who do not live and think as they do and feel perfectly free to point out just how out of touch they are.

A fully functional M-60? Yes please.

And then there’s this even more embarrassing screed published by the Britlanderish “Guardian:”

‘It’s who they are’: gun-fetish photo a symbol of Republican abasement under Trump


 Posted by at 5:45 pm
Dec 062021

There is a market for this. But this… this is too much.

Controversial Assisted Suicide Pod Cleared for Use in Switzerland

So how does this pod work? It fills with nitrogen, displacing the oxygen. The “resident” should then rather calmly, peacefully and painlessly pass out in under thirty seconds or so, and actually expire in five to ten minutes. As a way of executing people, I’ve long suggested nitrogen; it’s cheap, it’s easy, it’s clean, it doesn’t have the ethical issues that hanging, firing squads and lethal injections have. So why do I have a problem with this pod? Because it’s massively over-engineered. You know what you’d need? A scuba tank full of pure nitrogen and a face mask. That’s it. Maybe a heating element/ heat exchanger so you’re not inhaling really cold nitrogen. The suicide pod is supposed to be made transportable so people can do themselves in in the surroundings of their choice, like by a lake or at the mall or wherever… but a simple gas tank and a mask? I see old folks toting those things around all the time (typically filled with oxygen, however).  A very quick google search brings up this oxygen supply system:

It costs $350 and could be just as easily filled with nitrogen. Or helium if the person wants to go out making other people laugh. And it’s profoundly reusable, and easily transportable.

There’s no need to make this sort of thing all that complex.

 Posted by at 5:03 pm
Dec 062021

China’s Yutu 2 rover spots cube-shaped ‘mystery hut’ on far side of the moon

The rover spotted a blurry object on the horizon. It’s “cube shaped” only insofar as a blurry single image can depict a cube.

I feel confident in stating “it’s a rock.” Still, go take a look. The moon is rocks. You went to the moon to look at rocks; that one is as good as any other. One likely blasted out of the ground by a meteorite impact is likely to be fairly interesting.



 Posted by at 4:30 am
Dec 062021

I hear tell that some copies of the book are to be shipped my way in the next few days, taking however long it takes to cross the Atlantic ocean. I would assume that customers who ordered directly from Mortons will get their copies shipped soon. Not sure about Amazon orders, though the listing currently says Feb 7.

I will have a limited number for signed copies (around 20). As with the SR-71 bookazine, I will include 18X24 prints made specifically for these signed copies; all copies will be signed and numbered. I expect that these will be $55 plus shipping, though I intend to auction #’s 1 through 5.

 Posted by at 3:32 am