Dec 112021

It’s late in the season for tornadoes, but boy howdy they came out in force yesterday and stomped Kentucky. The videos of the damage are remarkable:


Of course, there’s no disaster that can strike regular American citizens that political hacks won’t squat on and cackle like glee-filled ghouls. For example, one “Nell Scovell,” a supposed comedy writer and producer who created the TV series “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.”

Note that she attributes this tornado outbreak to climate change, which may be the case at least in part. But she lays the blame for this not just on Americans but on a few American politicians in particular. She leaves the Chinese, the greatest polluters and carbon emitters in human history, wholly blameless. If the FBI was actually doing their job, they’d be well advised to take a look at Ms. Scovell’s finances to see whether and how much the CCP is providing her to deflect attention from their responsibility. It would be worthwhile to see if she belongs on the same page of the history book as Swalwell and the Biden crime family.

More vids:

 Posted by at 8:14 pm