Mar 202022

Ukraine suspends 11 political parties with links to Russia

I’ve seen the usual suspects claiming that the fact that Zelenskiy suspended parties that support the destruction of Ukraine means he’s a fascist. Let’s look at a little bit of history. Prior to World War II, there was a political party in Britain called the “British Union of Fascists.” What happened when war broke out between fascist Germany and democratic Britain? Britain banned the BUF in 1940 and interred some 700 or more of it’s officials for the duration of the war. Was Churchill a fascist? Nope. Kind of a ruthless bastard to be sure, but hardly a fascist. When your nation is being attacked by a more powerful enemy, you fight them. And that means fighting their supporters within your own borders. During the Cold War, the United States – which is pretty unique in its determination to not ban much of *any* political party – still sicced the FBI on our own commies… and rightly so.

I’ve seen some commentator claim that Zelenskiy has banned all opposition parties. Untrue: unlike the US, where you’ve got the DemRep uniparty and virtually nothing else of any real consequence, Ukraine has a *lot* of parties. See the list on Wikipedia. The only ones that got banned are the pro-Russian parties. For a nation under martial law currently being ground underfoot by a massively larger military constantly carrying out war crime after war crime, this is a perfectly reasonable response to the situation. Is it the *American* response? No. The US did not ban the Commies during the Cold War; did not ban the fascists during WWII (they, unlike the commies, had the good graces to evaporate on their own when war broke out); the US didn’t even ban the Democrats when they started a Civil War. But everyone who is not the US  is not a fascist, despite what the lefties and the Putinfluffers will try to lead you to believe.

If the Cold War had gone differently, and “Red Dawn” or something like it had come to pass, it’s interesting to contemplate whether the US would have banned the communists.

 Posted by at 1:59 pm
Mar 192022

California lawmaker found with loaded handgun in his luggage at Sacramento airport

Not just any lawmaker… this is Assemblyman Jim Cooper D-Elk Grove, who in 2016 authored a bill to ban the right to make your own firearm. He doesn’t want *you* to have a gun, but boy howdy he sure wants his own.

If this was *you,* you’d spend a good chunk of the rest of your life in prison. This guy? No charges. In fact, they held onto his gun for him, returning it as soon as he got back from his trip. Why? Because he’s former law enforcement, and they’re allowed to have firearms in certain areas of the airport. Where they’re *not* allowed to take a firearm is on an airplane, where he was trying to take his gun, stashed in his man-purse.

If these jackholes didn’t have double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

 Posted by at 4:57 pm
Mar 192022

An ok-quality youtube documentary on the Inflatoplane (it caused me to twitch a few times, such as when the “airmat” material was several times called “airman” for some reason). The Inflatoplane was pitched as a way to rescue downed pilots, a role it could still serve. Also potentially useful as  a way to infil/exfil special ops forces; if it could be made practical with a quiet propulsion system (electric motors? distributed propulsion?), then it could probably be *really* good for that role. At the end of the mission it could be fairly easily destroyed to keep it out of enemy hands. Another proposed role was as a light aircraft for the commercial market; this one I’m less thrilled about. A rubber aircraft would be necessarily not a long-lived aircraft; basic wear and tear, everything from scraping on the ground to repeated inflations, temperature cycling and ultraviolet light would cause the rubber to degrade over time. if the rubber parts could be made *really* cheap – a few grand, perhaps – such that the owner could swap out the rubber bits and retain easily-swappable propulsion, controls,  avionics, seats and such, then maybe it would be ok. Might make a dandy battlefield recon/ missile platform if made to be unmanned… a sizable aircraft with a decent payload that is small on radar and IR, difficult to shoot down shot of a direct hit, and dirt cheap. Replace the original nylon and rubber in the original airmat material with kevlar, carbon fiber and, say, teflon, and you could have a *really* tough little airplane you could fold up and stuff into the back of a car. Might be interesting to study the design pressurized not with carbon dioxide and water vapor engine exhaust, by *hydrogen* for added lift. Sure, it’d be a risk of catching fire, but if enemy action is already poking it full of holes it’s lost anyway. Might as well have it burn up before the enemy can get to it.

 Posted by at 3:33 pm
Mar 182022

Anyone who has watched videos from Ukraine – or, let’s face it, Russian dash cams – could be forgiven for thinking that the Ukrainian and Russian languages are composed of nothing but the sounds “blyat” and “suka” arranged in various artful ways to convey the full range of human ideas and emotions, stretching the gamut from “angry” to “enraged.”

English has that same capacity, as these two Indian fellers demonstrated. This is far and away the funniest thing I’ve seen in *days.*

And the captioned version:


And because why not:


 Posted by at 11:22 pm
Mar 182022

… is that they’re *efficient.* Witness Russian cops sweep in to take out opinions they don’t like… and opinions they think they might not like if allowed to be expressed.

This is so much like a Monty Python skit that I kinda wonder if maybe it is some sort of skit. But if so, it seems to be a pretty substantial one, with a large cast. The sign the first woman holds up says “two words.” Which I gather is an allusion to “no war,” sort of a Let’s Go Brandon euphemism that clearly doesn’t get past the censors over there.

 Posted by at 9:05 am
Mar 182022

Oh yeah. This is looking up.

Putin chillingly calls for ‘self-purification’ of Russia from ‘scum and traitors’

Going this far off the rails seems to indicate that the war isn’t exactly going to Putins plans. Yammering on about phantom Nazis and the like indicate an Antifa-like divorce from reality, which is just *awesome* to contemplate considering he’s got access to thousands of nukes.


 Posted by at 1:19 am
Mar 162022

A remarkable video depicting the last moments of Russian tank, as seen from an overhead drone. The tank looks to take several anti-tank rockets… probably smaller, short-range types, but they eventually get the job done. It gets a track damaged by a hit, and as it backs up it sheds the track; one crewman (looks like the driver) escapes, rolls off the front and runs away. But he doesn’t get far before an exterior explosion (mortar?) knocks him down and sets him crawling. A few seconds later, some *stuff* comes flying into view and crashes down onto the road; at first I thought it was a body, but on review it just looks like… well, stuff. The camera switches view and it looks like there might have been a second tank to get trashed not far away, perhaps it exploded and tossed bits of junk into the earlier view. No infantry support is in evidence. The operation seems to be run on Stupid Mode.

This Special Military Operation sure seems to have one hell of  pricetag.

 Posted by at 4:27 pm