Mar 242022

Well, if you want your day ruined, I can hook you up (after the break, cuz this story sucks):

Edit: the story deals with the torture of a cat. Those who know me or who have followed the blog long enough will recognize that this sort of story sets me off in a way few other stories will. Some people argue that this is a mismatch of priorities: in a world of rape and murder and war and genocide and Star Trek Discovery, surely one little cat is a small thing compared to the other horrors humans perpetrate. But as I mentioned a few days ago, animals cannot understand the world as we do. When humans mistreat other humans, even on an industrial scale, humans can understand what’s going on. Even if the “why” is unclear, it’s really not that hard to figure out. But to a cat (or a dog, or a horse, or a racoon, or a squirrel, or a mouse), someone committing acts of horror on them is beyond their comprehension. The human in that story becomes a cosmic horror, a god of pain and madness. THAT is why I refuse to harm critters that I don’t need to (mosquitoes? f’em) for any trivial reason. I’m not some touchy-feely hippie who refuses to eat meat because cows or pigs or fish are sacred, but I will demand that the animal not be tortured. I will have the urge to apply boot to ass to anyone who abuses critters for fun. Because cosmic horror should be avoided in real life.

Anyone who tortures an animal becomes, in a very real sense, a demon. And for someone who does not believe in demons, that’s quite a statement.


Would I have been the *slightest* bit upset if the homeowner had come out guns blazing, and put the two “gentlemen” and their dogs down, there and then? Not even a little bit. The thing is, these two guys are wanted on charges of felony animal fighting. Not sure about Pennsylvania law, but if felony murder laws apply there, *if* the homeowner had plugged one of the perpetrators, the *other* guy would be on the hook for murder charges.

At the very least, they need to be found. Perhaps the thing to do would be to lock them up in a small cell with their dogs for a few weeks without food.


 Posted by at 2:38 pm